Sleeper Cages


New member
May 9, 2013
Lucy (B&G Macaw), Phoenix (Camilla Macaw), Gizmo (Goffin Cockatoo),
Rita (Military Macaw),
Mango (Goffin Cockatoo),
Do you have sleeper cages? At my breeders store where birds are kept there is a person there almost 16 hours a day if not more (sometimes his son comes just to hang out with the boarded birds since they're stressed from being away from home, and he does the night feedings before the birds go to bed) They use sleeper cages in back. The birds are in 30" by 30" cages for large birds, and are kept there to sleep only. Unless they are babies then they are transfered to one when they are finally able to be taken out of the warm room into a normal temp room, but are not developed enough to be in the play room. Small birds are kept in cages that are quite large because they don't have a large enough play area to have all the small birds out at once all day.He had a person post online that he had a bird mill at his store because he saw the babies in the cages in back, and they thought they were all living in them. Which he has never bred at this location, and never bred at this store or really any of the other stores he has had over the past 40+ years.
Nope, I don't use any sleeping cages for my birds. They all get a blanket over the cage at 8PM sharp, and within minutes you hear happy beak grinding and not another peep. :)

They get uncovered at 8AM the next morning.
Rosie has one cage. She is out most of the time on her tree, one of her stands or on me. Unless we go out, then she is in her cage. We don't cover it. If we forget to put her in bed by 7, right around 730, she will start trying to head there herself. Like the rest of my family she loves her sleep time. :) Then she is usually up around 7 in the morning.
Yes, I have a sleep cage. My husband had spinal surgery and spends a lot of time in the living room where Rio's cage is watching tv until late at night. Since she is only a baby, I wanted to make sure she got enough undisturbed sleep. She loves her sleep cage. At around 7:15-7:30 she starts making noises indicating her desire to go to bed. If she was flighted I have no doubt she would put herself to bed. I also like the fact that if I needed to get out quickly because of fire or earthquake, all I have to do is grab her sleep cage. Something I wouldn't be able to do with the other cage. I don't think it's necessary to have a sleep cage, but everyone's circumstances is different.
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My fids are all in my living room/dinging room since we have an open floor plan.We quite down, and are normally in bed by 9 except for the past couple weeks. We stay up later during the summer because my wife works at a school. If they're not in their cages at 9 they all get crabby. Though if Phoenix is watching Falling Skies or Eureka (yes if he hears the shows on the TV, but can't see them he will scream until he gets to watch them) he doesn't get crabby, and wants to stay watching those shows. I was just wondering because it really upset me that this person posted that on the internet. His part time person is a Vet Tech, and does bird rescue, and bird fostering, and I have access to everywhere in the store, and warehouse, and have even helped when they've cut bands off birds so I know how the birds are treated. I guess it is more I am upset, and venting because a person is bashing an actual honest bird business that isn't lying to people or scamming or a bird mill in back, and yes the other 2 independent stores in the area are like that. One has even had animal control called on them, and the health department.

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