Sleep Time


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Hello everyone, We just picked up our gcc and was wondering, when we put our baby to sleep in the dedicated sleep cage, do we need to leave the toys and food cups out?
Some birds will munch & take a sip during the night, so I leave food for mine.....

I've only got one bird that goes to a sleep cage, but no, there are no toys in it...if your bird(s) are going to be in their sleep cage for an extended period, you might leave one of their favorite toys in or not...your choice.....

Welcome to the forums & congrats on your new GCC.....
I would leave the food out in case your gcc gets hungry during the night. You don't need to leave all the toys maybe just 1 or 2. Good luck :)
I do not have a separate sleep cage for my gcc, he just sleeps in his big cage, he does have a little snuggle hut that he likes to sleep in. But I leave all his toys and food and water in there during the night. I never hear him playing with his toys at night only in the morning when he is ready for his cage to be uncovered.
Hello everyone, We just picked up our gcc and was wondering, when we put our baby to sleep in the dedicated sleep cage, do we need to leave the toys and food cups out?

I have a sleep cage for my Sennie, she has two toys a lil food and some water. I don't "always" get up when she gets up, so she can eat a little and play a little. I also cover her, in the morning she likes to peek out the bottom to see what I am doing and whistle at me (hey, im awake now) She doesn't get to come out until she does her morning "bomb" which is so funny because she does a lil potty dance and then I tell her "go poop". She is so obedient :09:
I never provided food, water or toys in Charlie sleep cage/carrier, although, as mentioned, some owners do.

Currently I'm not using a sleep cage/carrier so all birds are in their regular cages at night, too.
At this time, Sittle's "house" is the only cage we own. It sits in an area where he can see us in the kitchen, living room and dining room. When it is time for bed, he goes into his cage and the door is closed. Out in the country, the house is very dark, even though we have a nite light in the hall and the front porch light never gets shut off. In the morning we can get up, shower, dress and never bother him. My wife even walks past his cage in the morning to start the laundry without stirring him. His cage is never covered. There is a large knotted toy he can hide behind if he wishes.

Once in a while, if I get up to let the dogs out for an early morning pee, Skittles might stir a little. I usually get very close to him, make a few "erps", "clucks" and "peeps", reach through the cage bars and lightly touch him and head back to bed.
^^^ love the name of your bird, my YSGCC is named Skittlez as well. I use that handle for car forums and thought it was a good name for my GCC. "Skittlez" sleeps in her regular cage and is covered at night in my bedroom. She never makes noise until she hears me getting ready for work. At that time she just starts playing with her toys and squaking to be let out. My wife loves being woken up by a noisy bird. :rainbow1:
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Mango thanks you one and all. With all this good info we will come to a mutual bed time ritual. Again thank you one and all. This forum is a virtual wealth of info. As I learn, my day will come and as you, then I will be a contributor to help others also.

My 3 sleep in their own main cages. And I leave the pellets and fresh water in overnight. I don't think my Senegal or older Blue Crown stirs at all during the night. The younger Blue Crown likes to wait until the lights are out then he beats the heck out of his string of bells for 5 minutes then he goes to stay put on his sleeping perch as well. The older Blue Crown is an early riser and she usually is waiting perched on her food cup for me to uncover her in the morning. The younger Blue Crown is usually on his sleeping perch looking like I just woke him up. And the Senegal is usually has his eyes open but his head turned and beak tucked into his feathers until after I pull off his cover, open the door and give him a scratch. Then he stretches and creeeeks like an old rusty door hinge.

I need to cover them here in Northern Minnesota because it gets light out so early in the summer time. Sunrise at 5:15 currently and the window in their room is somewhat towards the sun. If I didn't have them covered, I'm sure that Tootsie would be sounding off as soon as the sky started to lighten. And they all seem to like being covered at night. They quiet down and get ready for me to finish what I'm doing so they can sleep.
Peeko sleeps in a smaller night-time cage and I have four toys, three perches, and food/water in it for him at all times. Sometimes he wakes up before I do and will munch, drink, or play a little. He has learned that if he bangs the bell around, it wakes me up :p So it seems as though I have a new alarm clock...

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