Sleep schedule


Active member
Sep 19, 2022
Cockatiel, Conure, Parakeets
What sleep schedule do you have for your birds ?
My birds currently go to bed at 6pm because I wake up at 6am for work. They stay covered in their cage until 7 but there is so much noise in the morning from me going in and out of the room and soon I’ll have to turn lights on in order to see. I hate sleeping them so early but my female gets so hormonal. She still gets a little hormonal even though she gets her 12 hours of sleep. I sleep them in my bedroom and make sure the room is dark. She gets so hormonal because she’s bonded to one of my males. I just wish there was a way for her to stay up longer.
It's fine, I have to wake up between five and six so around 5 I turn out the lights and let them find whateve cage and sleepmate they want to be with. That takes about 20 minutes as I slowly turn out other lights. They all find thier freinds and end up in a cage. On weekends they get like 13 hours....It's all fine.
My guys are on... well, I try to go on ... an 11-12 hour sleep schedule. In bed by 9:30pm, up by 8:30-9:00 am. However, I literally have to work in a dark room with only the computer screen as my light because Moon will sing until 3 am if I even think about leaving another light on. OY! And I cover the cage. Really frustrating!
Salty is on a 12 hr cycle. He is in his cage and covered by 10:00 PM and lights out in the area. But there is the normal amount of people going to the bathroom or getting something from the fridge during the night. At 7:00 AM my son goes to work and I am up and working from the basement. However Salty usually goes back to sleep until 10:00 AM, when I uncover him and give him his breakfast.

THe jungle habitat that most parrots are from is not silent at night, might even be more active soundwise then day time! And even open plains type parrots ie budgies etc, do not have 100% silent nights. Once you have your routines established, they might wake up a bit in the AM, but go back to sleep until you get them up.
Normally Ona goes to bed any time between 10-11 and gets at least 12 hours of sleep. Some days I have to put her to bed earlier. If she hears me making too much noise she will start saying "step up" from her sleep cage even though it's all the way across the house!
Salty is on a 12 hr cycle. He is in his cage and covered by 10:00 PM and lights out in the area. But there is the normal amount of people going to the bathroom or getting something from the fridge during the night. At 7:00 AM my son goes to work and I am up and working from the basement. However Salty usually goes back to sleep until 10:00 AM, when I uncover him and give him his breakfast.

THe jungle habitat that most parrots are from is not silent at night, might even be more active soundwise then day time! And even open plains type parrots ie budgies etc, do not have 100% silent nights. Once you have your routines established, they might wake up a bit in the AM, but go back to sleep until you get them up.
I leave the air purifier on but just turn it down and it works like white noise. I think it’s fine because like you said the jungle is never 100% quiet. I also like that it makes them get used to noise during their sleep. Although my birds know when I’m awake because they will start chirping for attention !
Normally Ona goes to bed any time between 10-11 and gets at least 12 hours of sleep. Some days I have to put her to bed earlier. If she hears me making too much noise she will start saying "step up" from her sleep cage even though it's all the way across the house!
Yes! In the morning if I make the slightest move or noise they know I’m awake & start chirping !
I did have mine on a 12 hour sleep schedule for about two and a half years to help control hormones but it didn't really work and the cage cover was making my conures territorial. Now they're on a natural schedule which means they're up when it gets light out and go to sleep when the sun goes down and they seem to prefer this. They sleep throughout the day, and they let me lie in if I need to most days as long as they have a bit of food in their cages. I can only keep them in my room and my new work schedule will mean that I have to get them up at 5am so they get some time out of the cage or they won't be able to come out in the morning, and then I'll keep them up when I get home till around 7.
White noise is the way to go. I try to put them on a 12 hour cycle. Sometimes because of work they get less, but in those cases I leave their cage doors open and let them get-up when they want. When I first put them to bed I put on a YouTube channel that does live "sleep music," which they seem to like. After an hour I cover their cages and I also use a air purifier set to MAX that covers my walking around. Otherwise, even though they have a room to themselves, my birds would wake-up anytime I moved around the house.

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