Sleep cage size?


New member
Aug 28, 2015
Oakville, ON
Smokey - 13 year old cockatiel
I'd like to put Smokey, my tiel, to bed in his travel cage in my closet at night (it's empty and one-half of it will be open, don't worry!) in hopes he'll get a better sleep rather than being disturbed by my computer light through his cover sheet, but it isn't very big-- he can take 4 or 5 steps either way, but it's only a little bit taller than him! It could fit a perch, but the poor dear's head would almost be skimming the top. Would that be okay for now until I pick up a bit of a bigger one?

I also worry it might frighten him to be in the travel cage, in the closet at night-- but if it's at his bedtime, would he not go to sleep in the dark and quiet?

Thank you for reading! I want my Smokey to get his best night's sleep. :white1:
It depends on how much smokey likes the travel cage. Maybe you could get a sleep cage? Nothing fancy just a bit bigger so he has freedom of movement. Just a thought. Good luck!
I don't think the size is all that important. My amazons sleep in very small "evacuation" cages, 11" x11". These are to move/house them in an emergency. The issue with a cockatiel is night frights. I would never keep cockatiels in the complete darkness. A night light is a necessity IMO. Cockatiels are a bit different than many other birds. keeping the lutinos in the dark will only get you a big blooding mess.

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