Skitty had an adventure today!


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
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Lewiston, Maine
Neotropical Pigeon - "Skittles" (born 3/29/10)
Cockatiel - "Peaches" (1995-2015) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sammy"
(1989-2000) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sandy"
(1987-1989) R.I.P.
Well, its about 80 degrees out with a soft breeze and my friend/neighbor (the nice one I hang out with) told me I should take Skittles along. He hadn't been out yet this year so I did. He was pitching a fit when I was putting his travel cage together but when it came time to put him in it, he went in no problem and was quiet while in it while I finished getting ready so that told me he wanted to tag along too.

Anyways, we went to the post office and Walmart. He went off a few times in the post office but nobody said anything and the employee working was very nice to me.

So we went on the bus. Sadly, the people on the bus that I normally see weren't riding today so they didn't get to see him. It was rather chilly on the bus on the way to Walmart so I asked the driver if he could turn the AC down and he turned it off. He kept it off for the return trip too. He joked with me when I got off and said "can I turn the AC back on now?" lol. The bus driver has a cockatoo named "Georgie", so he's a bird person. That does make a difference. Skitty travels fine in vehicles. I think he likes the vibration. Cause he's wicked calm and quiet in vehicles. Skitty got LOTS of attention and I think that's why he likes to go out, cause he just LOVES all the attention! There was actually some people that took pictures of Skittles while we were in Walmart. I thought that was funny. Soon Skittles will be a social media sensation! lol.
Everyone seems to be taking their babies out today! Jim and I did too haha. That's awesome. Next time you should take pics of Skitty the attention loving ham. :-)
Oh crap! I hadn't even thought of that!

You know whats funny, though. I was surprised how many people I ran into that knew he is a sun conure.
Yeah I hear you... people know Ollie is one too. There is actually a new show on TLC called Our Wild Life , they have a sun conure so I think that might have a little to do with it maybe. I take Finley out an no one knows what on earth his is lol... someone even was like "nice Cockatiel" I'm like... Wow.
Sounds like a fun adventure Skittles had!
"nice cockatiel" lol. too funny. There was one lady that knew he is a sunny and she said "aren't those expensive?" and I said yes, $600 ($650 now) and the lady said "yeah, and they are a LOT of work too!". At least she knows. She used to have one.

I had assumed that since I woke Skittles up an hour early and we had an adventure that he'd want to go to bed early. Didn't happen. In fact, I had a hard time getting him to go to bed! We got back a little after 4p and he normally goes to bed between 7:30p and 9p. He didn't go to bed tonight until 8:30p. We spent a good hour 'cuddling' in my bed. He likes to climb under the sheet and "burrow" in my chest hair. Its so cute. He'll also preen my facial hair and make his 'purring' noises when he burrows.
The other interesting thing is that while nowhere near as many people asked me if he talks, many of them were asking me if I just got him. I said no, I've had him for seven years. If I had just gotten him, I would NOT take him around a store and on the bus with people and noise! I'd take him right home and let him adjust! lol
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Sunnyclover said:
There is actually a new show on TLC called Our Wild Life , they have a sun conure so I think that might have a little to do with it maybe.

I'd rather bet on Logan Paul's Maverick.
Funny thing is, I've learned about Logan Paul after I was looking for Sun Conure YT videos. But probably the majority were following Logan Paul and then learned about Sun Conures.

As a side note, such "popculture" popularity of a species may have an impact on the threatened population. It was discovered that Disneys "Finding nemo" caused a major demand for Clownfishe ("Nemo fish") which was caught in the wild. I know that the majority of Sun Conures are bred in captivity, but still the "fanciness" of Suns may lead to impulse purchase, which definitely is no good to our beloved birds. Pet Suns (and conures in general) need a lots of attention and intereaction, and random owners might not be well prepared. This was how I acquired our Cytrynka, which was an "impulse purchase" of her original owners, and who quickly lost their interest in the interaction with her. Fortunately she was young enough to adopt to her new family quickly, but other birds might not be so lucky.

And, I'm happy that Sikttles enjoyed his adventure :orange:
Yeah I hear you there. I wasn't in the market for a new bird when I got Skittles. While I was drawn to his plumage, it was his character that captured my heart. I wanted to buy him then and there but the store clerk talked me out of it. I then went home and spent four days researching them and couldn't get him out of my mind. So I ended up getting him. The ONLY thing I read that was a negative (as far as I'm concerned) was the "LOUDNESS" factor. I've always believed that parrot noisiness can be controlled and managed, loudness however cannot. But I've made it work. As I've mentioned many times before, since I have Skittles free-flighted it is amazing how quiet he is. He is like night and day compared to how he used to be.
I am so glad that you & Skitty had such a great day! That was so nice of the bus driver to turn down the A/C.
Skitty is already a star here, I'm thrilled to know he is expanding his fan base:)
Well its no wonder that Skitty and the other Sunnies get all that attention! THey are like flares going up in the general public. I think that only the big macaws get more of a reaction. Salty? Not so much. We can walk though a crowded store and most people will not even see him. Skitty is like a great big colorful flag for parrot ownership. He is an ambassador for parrots! Mr.Imbassador!
Ollie and I definitely turn heads too. When I'm in a store or something people often wonder notice him until I turn the shoulder he's on towards them and then some people about have a heart attack from the bright colorful birdie. Lol. They always tell me he's so pretty but I never think about how pretty he is... it's weird to me because it's like they think I have him because he's so pretty. I have him because he's my best friend and a beautiful person inside and out! It always sort of bugs me but I know people don't know anything except what they see in fro t of them so I can't blame them I suppose.
On another wouldn't believe how many people see Ollie and tell me they're going to get an AG or a Macaw or something insane when they clearly have No idea what that involves. I lead with the fact a Macaw needs a giant cage and hours and hours of human interaction a day of they will get depressed andpluck their feathers out and scream constantly. And also they might scream constantly anyways even if you do everything right. I also mentioned how involved an AG is and how they need a lot of one on one time and training because they are so smart. Also that I spend about 6 to 10 hours with Ollie a day...about 3 of that (usually more) of him actually being on me. "That little bird needs that much attention?" They say and I'm like...well yeah I believe he does...
They always tell me he's so pretty but I never think about how pretty he is... it's weird to me because it's like they think I have him because he's so pretty.

Yeah, people always say how pretty my guys as well when i take them to the bird store of the weekend. They have the whole back counter behind the registers to people watch. Whenever says how beautiful they are... in the back of my mind I'm just thinking you haven't heard them scream yet :16:. They are pretty well behaved in the store, they save their screaming at home when in the kitchen and they want to know what i am doing without them.

On a separate note, I am pretty certain random strangers have more pictures of my guys than I do on my phone.
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Sounds like a wonderful adventure! Hope you are able to do this more often!!
Lol I'm actually very very guilty of having thousands maybe even millions of pictures on my phone of my 2 guys.

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