Skittles goes on a hike


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Skittles - scarlet macaw
I took Skittles to the Phoenix Mountain Preserve for a morning hike. She had a great time and quite few hikers and bikers came over to say "Hi" and take photos of her.



Her feathers look a little matted because I kept spraying her down with water. It was only 7:00am but still over 90 degrees, welcome to summer time in Phoenix, Arizona...
She is so beautiful! 0.0 I would love to go for a hike a see someone with a beautiful Scarlet Macaw! :)
Aww thats amazing. Hopefully one day soon I ll be able to start going on hikes with Charlie. Is Skittles tagged at all, because I don't know if you know this already, but I have lost one of my birds once, I was lucky enough to get him back, but next time I may not be so lucky. I am just asking, because I would like any tips on being able to do what you do safely, without a high risk of losing your birds. Thanks for sharing. :)
What sweet eye candy!!! :D Skittles looks superb! And I'd love to see Arizona one day....come to think of it, I think I'd love it there. :)

Thanks SO much for sharing these awesome pictures!!!!
Very Beautiful !!!!!!!! Love the name also : )
OH Thank you for sharing Skittles looks stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skittles is super cute. Great name for great colours!
How old is skittles? I would be worried taking ours out in public just in case he got spooked. How old was she when you first started taking her out?
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Aww thats amazing. Hopefully one day soon I ll be able to start going on hikes with Charlie. Is Skittles tagged at all, because I don't know if you know this already, but I have lost one of my birds once, I was lucky enough to get him back, but next time I may not be so lucky. I am just asking, because I would like any tips on being able to do what you do safely, without a high risk of losing your birds. Thanks for sharing. :)

Thanks for the suggestion Luke and it is something I will need to look into doing. For now, Skittles has atrophy in one of her wings from being kept in a way too small cage for over 10 years. In the two months I have had her, she has tried to fly twice and both times dropped like a rock. I am letting her grow out her feathers now to see if she will at least be able to glide to the ground. For now, I worry more about her breaking her breast bone or beak than flying away.
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Skittles is super cute. Great name for great colours!
How old is skittles? I would be worried taking ours out in public just in case he got spooked. How old was she when you first started taking her out?

Skittles was rescued from a hoarder and in the police reports, they guess that she is about 17. Prior to the shelter getting her, there are no other medical records. Her next annual exam will be next January and I will ask the vet if she has a better idea of Skittle's age.

I had Skittles for 3 months now and have been taking her out every weekend to meet people and experience life. She was kept in a dark room and small cage for too many years. See really seems to enjoy going out. She doesn't even try to bite me any more when I put her in the carrier.

At our house, she only lets me touch her and tries to nip or bite everyone else. When we go out into the public, if I scratch her head, she allows others to pet her back. Baby steps...
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Aww thats amazing. Hopefully one day soon I ll be able to start going on hikes with Charlie. Is Skittles tagged at all, because I don't know if you know this already, but I have lost one of my birds once, I was lucky enough to get him back, but next time I may not be so lucky. I am just asking, because I would like any tips on being able to do what you do safely, without a high risk of losing your birds. Thanks for sharing. :)

Thanks for the suggestion Luke and it is something I will need to look into doing. For now, Skittles has atrophy in one of her wings from being kept in a way too small cage for over 10 years. In the two months I have had her, she has tried to fly twice and both times dropped like a rock. I am letting her grow out her feathers now to see if she will at least be able to glide to the ground. For now, I worry more about her breaking her breast bone or beak than flying away.

Yeah its always a worry, but some birds can be really determined flyer, and when spooked, even with wings clipped or even atrophy, the bird can manage to take flight for considerable distances. But I am sure with Skittles you'll be fine. I just can't risk it with Larry again, but Charlie and Max are pretty good.
Skittles is beautiful, and so lucky to be where she's getting such great care.

We've never been to the Phoenix Mountain Preserve - looks like we'll need to go exploring one day. In November. :)
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Skittles is beautiful, and so lucky to be where she's getting such great care.

We've never been to the Phoenix Mountain Preserve - looks like we'll need to go exploring one day. In November. :)

The Phoenix Mountain Preserve is a great place for hiking and mountain biking. It goes all the way from Tatum to 7th avenue, with lots of areas to start your hike. Waiting for November is a smart move! ;)
Skittles looks sooo happy to be out and about! What beautiful photos! You are doing an amazing job with her!! :)
I'm so happy you adopted skittles :heart:

It's so much fun to see photos of parrots out and about, and skittles is such a show stopped any photo would look good!
Wow you have had her 3 months!! Time flies huh! haha

Absolutely beautiful!!!!! Skittles is the perfect name for her..

and i am sure she was loving all the attention from everyone who wanted to see her ;)

She was definitely enjoying her walk, and Tom you are just the best for adopting her, she must feel like she is in heaven with you!
Skittles is so pretty. It is nice she has a owner that spends time with her. It sounds like the people out in the public liked Skittles.
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