Skippahs DNA test results


New member
Dec 24, 2006
The results are in!

Collected: 27/08/08 16:00 Subm.No: 00090273 Lab No.: 08-8962816
All Tests Complete



Breed: Lesser Corella
Gender: Female

Validated by Dr Mark Williamson
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If you do this may I suggest you simply ask the vet to clip a toe nail too short to get some blood.
The reason I suggest this is that I found the attempts to find a vein under Skippahs armpit to draw blood were very traumatic for me and more so for the bird. I found it to be an un-needed stress for the vet and the bird and me!
I wont complain about the vet as he wanted a sterile specimen to ensure the test was not contaminated. When this got too hard, we went for the toenail. I feel we should have gone there from the beginning. I however, am not a trained professional. The bill was 22 bux and he took a plucked feather and blood, and it took about a week.

I am happy to have taken the guessing out out of the game.
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After a few too many drinks last night, Debbie and I started thinking about the new implications .
I was sitting there, a bit out of it (join the dots people), when a thought popped into my head.
The Skippah and the Professor hate each others guts, but, what if its all a scam???
What if I came home unexpectedly one day and caught the Professor Giving it to the Skippah???
What if it was one of those "Love/Hate relationships", and as soon as the lights were out they were "at it" like teenagers in my mums attic! ( that's another story).
Anyway, the idea made me burst out laughing and when I explained it to Debbie she said I was sick and stormed off to bed.

Then I imagined what the babies would be like,......Pompous arrogant clowns that do as they please with no regard for any of my stuff!!!!!

How do I get some bromide into the Professors tea in the Morning?
If you do this may I suggest you simply ask the vet to clip a toe nail too short to get some blood.
The reason I suggest this is that I found the attempts to find a vein under Skippahs armpit to draw blood were very traumatic for me and more so for the bird. I found it to be an un-needed stress for the vet and the bird and me!
I wont complain about the vet as he wanted a sterile specimen to ensure the test was not contaminated. When this got too hard, we went for the toenail. I feel we should have gone there from the beginning. I however, am not a trained professional. The bill was 22 bux and he took a plucked feather and blood, and it took about a week.

I am happy to have taken the guessing out out of the game.

Thank you for the heads up. When I take him/her lol. I will ask them about that. I would be in the same situation as you very upset. But I am going to be making an appointment with the vet. Well see soon.
hi red
im dying to know what my cag is.
he was 6mths old last week, so is now old enough to be chipped, something i realy want done asap.
my vet is keen to give him a little gas anaesthetic to knock him out for the chip (as its a big needle and will be painful if awake) and can also take what is needed for a dna test at the same time if i want.
i want his nails trimmed so i suppose they can be done while hes asleep if hes quick to reduce stress , but i understand hel only have enough gas to last a couple of mins and will be ready to go home within 20mins.
im dreading him having an anaesthetic but as he doesnt wear a leg band i think a chip is a must and its a once in a lifetime procedure.

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