Silverfish extermination


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Hey everyone,
What kind of methods can I safely use with a bird in the house to keep our silverfish problem at bay? I've read about lavender and citrus oil, but not sure if bird safe. Any advice would be appreciated!
Orange Guard. Organic Repellent, Bug Repellent | Monterey Bay, CA Hopefully it's available in Canada for you. It works great for insects in the home. It's safe for every kind of pet as well as use in the kitchen around food. The only active ingredient is orange peel extract. Smells good too. I heard of it through April (Kiwibird) who uses it too. I sprayed it right on Raven's cage :eek: the only thing that died was the trail of ants :). I read that it kills silverfish and various insects too.
I'm not going to lie... I had no idea what silverfish were..... I've never seen them....

I know I have a ton of spiders in my barn (my apartment is above the barn) so I'm going to assume and have nightmares that he spiders are the reason I don't think I've ever seen them.

Oh my gosh, I was so confused at first! I had no idea what the silverfish was and thought you were talking about some real "fish". Then I googled the images and almost threw up on the screen. :eek:
Lol, I read that silverfish are more in the lower (southern) parts of the US. Warmer climates maybe? Southern California has them for sure. Apparently some parts of Canada too lol!
Hey, I sold 50 $k,(yes50,000) worth of comic books for $5,000 because of silverfish! They are bad, ugly, indescribable!
Lol, I read that silverfish are more in the lower (southern) parts of the US. Warmer climates maybe? Southern California has them for sure. Apparently some parts of Canada too lol!
We have them here in NY as well. Thankfully I don't have any in this apartment. But its an upstairs apartment. I've seen them at places I worked and lived in the past. Usually in damp places and 1 floor buildings. Good to know about that Orange Guard. I think I'll have try and get some of it.
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Thanks for all the advice. We are in Atlantic Canada and unfortunately they are everywhere. Harmless bugs, but unfortunately a big nuisance to get rid of.
Understanding that Silverfish and many other bugs and rodents are attracted by moisture!!! Eliminate the moisture issues and the problem goes away.

Whether the bug is dangerous to the Parrot is a non-question as problems with moisture is the foundation for developing mold! That can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to eliminate where as finding an eliminating the problem now can be very inexpensive!

Find where the moisture is and fix it!
Bathrooms and Kitchens are the most common locations followed by moist basements and craw spaces.
If you have baseboards that will not be disturbed and if you are sure you can spread the powder without disrupting it, food-grade diatomaceous earth could work, but you do not want this stuff getting in the I would never spread where people walk or where a vacuum might kick it up. Tiny sticky traps (too small for a bird or mouse) could also work, although I despise them out of principle.

here is a link with good suggestions-- keeping in mind that if your bird can reach the poisons etc, then that makes them unsafe too---boric acid can be used under cabinets etc if your bird doesn't enter them:

another - [ame=""]HOW TO TRAP SILVERFISH - YouTube[/ame]
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