Silly Kiko anf his shadow.


New member
May 10, 2013
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Kiko; A cockatiel.
Tangie; My beloved Sun Conure who passed away in May 2013
Kiko and I were having quality time together today and I decided I would try to approach him with my hands, since he seemed in a good mood when I was teaching him to spin. Horrible mistake! He chased my hands down ruthlessly. Every so often he would whirl around and attack and chase his shadow. What in the world? Lol. Anything like this happen to any of your guys' birds?
Hahahaha, my dog does that with his shadow! Not my bird, though. I can't say anything--there is a tree outside my window that at least once a week (at night time) I mistake for someone standing outside my house!

My Quaker doesn't love my hands as much as my face since my hands are what have to eventually haul his butt off the top of the cage at bedtime. He will let me stroke him with my nose, but only with my hands on his own terms (aka when he decides he MUST have scritches). He's also started burying himself in my neck when he's scared. But he doesn't like my hands! Unfortunately when you have to get to work you can't just leave them out until they decide to step up.

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