signature testing

Go to this link --->

Scroll down to Thread Display Options and under Visible Post Elements, make sure the boxes are marked.

Then, go to this link --->

And either upload an image or direct link to an image located somewhere on the web. I'm not sure what this forums rules are in regard to signature size, but I would suggest keeping the image small, such as 500 pixels by 200 pixels or smaller.
thank you monicamc.. i think it was too big :p
lets try this AGAIN haha
Glad you were able to figure it out! That's a fantastic photo!
Thats awesome Tab:) You do realise that Members are going to be requesting Signatures from you now :p
thank you :)
hahahah that's ok, if they want me to do a signature they have to send Fargo a toy ;) jks jks hehe :p
thank you :)
hahahah that's ok, if they want me to do a signature they have to send Fargo a toy ;) jks jks hehe :p



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