

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Ricco - Goffin's Cockatoo
I know I'm annoying the ever living sh** out of you guys with this, but... Here I am again.

I visited my regular bird store, yet again, today. Spent about 2 hours there. For the past two days I have been SET on a male Eclectus. But, of course, now I'm reconsidering that again. I spent some time with a Bare Eyed Cockatoo and she was sooo cuddly, I loved it.

Now, it's between:

1. Male Eclectus
2. Goffin's Cockatoo
3. Mini-Macaw (Severe or Illiger's)
4. Amazon (Yellow Shouldered, Red-Lored, Lilac-Crowned, possibly Blue-Front)
5. Blue Crowned Conure

Here's a bit about me for newer members, or people who don't know me:

I am 19 years old and will be going to college this fall. I will be away from home for no more than 4 hours each day. I will not have a job for the next 4-6 years. I live in my parent's guest house, which allows me to go without a job and have plenty of free time as well as money to spend on a bird and supplies.

What I want in a bird:

I want a bird I can hang out with for long periods of time. I plan on getting a stand (or making one) that I can put next to the couch, as well as putting a table top one on the table so it can hang out with me while I do homework and such. I want a bird that will be content to chill out and maybe sit on my lap while watching a movie, but also be at least a little playful. I *think* I want a more cuddly bird, but I haven't had much experience in this department, so I'm open to suggestions there. I want a bird I can take with me places, like the park, the local stores, garage sales, people's houses, etc. I want a bird that will be happy to join me in hiking and for walks. I want a bird that I can train to do tricks and such. I want a bird that will bond with me and love to spend time with me.

I know all birds are individuals, but does it sound like maybe one out of my choices are more what I'm looking for?

Thanks... Again! :rolleyes:
I would say none of those because you will be living in an apartment soon, I'm guessing, and all of those birds can be loud which is not good for apartments.
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No... If you read that, it says I will be living in my parents guest house for the next 4-6 years until I get my degree. Afterwards, I will be working as a veterinarian and I doubt I will have to live in an apartment. No worries there.
I hate to break it to you, but you probably WILL be living in an apartment for your first few years out of vet school. You'll have loans to pay back, and it takes time to save enough money for a down payment on a house. I was living in an apartment throughout the entirety of my medical residency, and during my first two years as an attending physician - and MDs are generally paid better than DVMs.

Wait to get a large, loud bird until you're sure owning one won't cause you housing problems. And also consider that if you DO go to vet school, your free time will be quite limited. A species which doesn't need hours of owner attention every day would be a wise choice.
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It is such a tough decision. I would say a blue crown conure fits all of those things. Our blue front amazon also fits all of those, but like I mentioned to you before I don't know if she is typical of most amazons. I have heard amazon's can be very hormonal and unpredictable. Ours is not at all. She is everything you mentioned and more! That is why you might just have to fall in love with the bird instead of a particular species. Otherwise I guess I would vote for Blue Crown Conure. Good luck deciding.
For those saying she WILL end up in an apartment - in some areas, it costs roughly the same to rent a home as it does to rent an apartment. Single-family unit homes for rent are a regular occurrence and it's possible that, if she has to move out of her parents guest house, she could rent a house instead. Nothing says she has to rent an apartment.

I still say go for the Goffin's, but then again, I'm very prejudiced ;)
For those saying she WILL end up in an apartment - in some areas, it costs roughly the same to rent a home as it does to rent an apartment.

And in other areas it costs much, much more (if single family dwellings are available for rent at all). That's the problem: she has no way of knowing right now where she will be living and what her financial situation will be six years from now. But since it's common for "student poverty" to persist for a couple of years after graduation from vet school, planning on that is the safer way to bet. (And if she winds up better off more quickly, she can always get the big, noisy bird of her dreams then. What's a four year delay, if it guarantees she won't have to rehome a beloved pet due to a suboptimal living situation?)
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(And if she winds up better off more quickly, she can always get the big, noisy bird of her dreams then. What's a four year delay, if it guarantees she won't have to rehome a beloved pet due to a suboptimal living situation?)

I couldn't agree more with this statement. That is exactly why I plan on waiting to get my dream bird (a male eclectus) until I am completely done with school. It's hard waiting, but it will be worth it in the long run.
For those saying she WILL end up in an apartment - in some areas, it costs roughly the same to rent a home as it does to rent an apartment.

And in other areas it costs much, much more (if single family dwellings are available for rent at all). That's the problem: she has no way of knowing right now where she will be living and what her financial situation will be six years from now. But since it's common for "student poverty" to persist for a couple of years after graduation from vet school, planning on that is the safer way to bet. (And if she winds up better off more quickly, she can always get the big, noisy bird of her dreams then. What's a four year delay, if it guarantees she won't have to rehome a beloved pet due to a suboptimal living situation?)

I get that. But what i was referring to was the "You absolutely WILL end up in an apartment" attitude that was coming across. you don't know that. no one does. I'm married, I thought I had a stable life, and then a medical complication threw a major wrench in it all. No one persons experience is ever the same, nothing is guaranteed in life except death and taxes.
It is clear Jaimmorr is very responsible and is taking this decision very seriously. I am certain she will make a great parront. While it is true that life can sometimes serve a curve ball, I am sure Jaimmorr would make sure that her parrot would always be taken care of in any situation. Otherwise she wouldn't be getting one.
I would have said a zon ,they are very adaptable . But if your living alone for the next 4=6 yrs, that might not be the best choice. The problem is the bird will grow up with lots of alone time and one on one time. Most parrots need lots of early socialization to be "well rounded" pets later in life. Could the bird visit with your parents while you are away at classes?
I get that. But what i was referring to was the "You absolutely WILL end up in an apartment" attitude that was coming across. you don't know that. no one does.

No I don't know that for sure -but I do know which way to bet. My response was in reply to Jaimmor's statement that in 4-6 years she'll have graduated from vet school and she doubts she'll be forced to live in an apartment. That statement tells me she doesn't yet understand what her first few years out of vet school are going to be like. If she wants to practice avian medicine, she'll need to do a postgraduate fellowship - and those tend to be located in very large urban areas (with higher housing costs) because that's where there is a large enough avian patient base to support a fellowship position. Unless she gets very lucky, she'll need to move to do that fellowship - which means living in Mom and Dad's guest house won't be an option any more. Then after the fellowship she may need to borrow money to start up her own practice, or she may need to save money to buy into an established practice - and she'll be paying off some very large loans at the same time. Money's likely to be tight for a few years, and her housing options will probably be more limited than she appreciates right now. That's something she should bear in mind when she's considering what species to get.

'm married, I thought I had a stable life, and then a medical complication threw a major wrench in it all.

An unpredictable wrench - which can happen to anyone, and is a reason we'll always need parrot rescues. ("Forever home" my a**! PEOPLE aren't guaranteed those, much less animals!) But that's different than a difficulty you can see coming a long way off. Most people in their 20s struggle financially for a few years right out of school, which is why owning any pet (much less a loud, demanding bird) can be a struggle for them.

I'm sure Jaimmor will make a fine parrot parent, whatever species she decides to get. I just don't want her to think things get easier after vet school, when in many ways the opposite is true.
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I want to thank everyone for their opinions. :)

Artemis - I am grateful that you brought those points up, actually. I very much appreciate that you are trying to look out for me and my future companion. :) I want to assure you that I have thought this through, and even though life can change in a second, I will find a plan. There is always a way to keep what you love.

I will be starting a new thread in a few minutes, so watch out for it....... Some big news is coming! ;)
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Oh! And henpecked - I live with my fiance, and in the other house is my parents and my teenage brother. I also understand the importance of socialization and plan on doing as much of that as possible. :)
I live in an apartment. I am also at university, studying law, a 6 year degree.
And I have a male eclectus.

He is very well so******ed (we go out a lot together as it is his favourite activity.). He loves children and will allow them to tuck them into a pram (lying on his back) and get pushed around and doted over.

Id say he is has a normal noise level - when we get up in the morning we go into the shower where we both vocalise and sing and yell and that seems to get it out of his system for the day. I have never had any complaints from my neighbours. He is very much loved by anyone who meets him!

He is a very happy, well adjusted, friendly bird, who is very rarely caged - only when I am out pretty much.

He has a fantastic life, and he is incredibly important to me, and when in future I need to move I will ensure that my life accomodates his needs. I will never rehome him.

Its important not to be impulsive when getting a bird - but at the same time, you are never going to be able to say with certainty that your life will not change in the future - it always does. Thats life! Make sure you understand the committment and the importance of being responsible for this wonderful creature, be realistic about the future and what will be best for you and your bird, find your bird and love and care for him as you would a member of your own family, and you will have a happy bird. I know you have been carefully considering and researching for a long time. You will make the right choice. Only you know your life and its unrealistic to think it will never change - and it is a sign of a responsible future parront that you are carefully considering all the variables involved.

P.s. Eclectus are by FAR the superior species. Im not biased at all =)
Oh! And henpecked - I live with my fiance, and in the other house is my parents and my teenage brother. I also understand the importance of socialization and plan on doing as much of that as possible. :)

You sound like your ready, i say go for it. I had my baby at age 14 and she's still with me at 55. I never thought things would turn out like they have but we've survived it all, it all depends on what is important to you.. I think you have what it takes to make it work.
I say Goffin Cockatoo! Because I love Goffins....good luck and I think your a sweetie and your Birdie will be fine!
I say Goffin Cockatoo! Because I love Goffins....good luck and I think your a sweetie and your Birdie will be fine!

I've been saying the same thing ;)

I live in a duplex, and I can hear my neighbors constantly (no exaggeration, either) yet whenever I ask my neighbors about Sugar's noise, they have said they never hear us at all (maybe they're just super loud?) and the first time they went "what bird?!?" And I know modern apartments have insulation and thus better "sound proofing" than my historical home built in 1880 with no insulation and very few updates.

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