Sick cockatiel with seizures


New member
Aug 2, 2007
Phoenix, Arizona
2 Greys-Annie & Roscoe
1 Red Fronted Macaw-Reggie
2 Senegals-Goofy & Lucky
2 Lovebirds
11 Cockatiels
1 Pigeon
We have already contacted a vet but has anyone had experience with any bird all of a sudden start having seizures? It happened today and he lost 4 feathers which made him bleed, he seems to have lost his balance at times, and he was pooping black (sign of internal bleeding). The black poop seems to have stopped thank god. He seemed normal until today. He is a very large bird and so called overweight. We've only had him for about a month. We have him in seclusion with food, water, heated perch, and towels in his cage in case he falls again. We are going to see if he makes it thru the night but just curious if he's old and this happens, he has some sort of poisoning, or had a stroke. Thank you....
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Re: (UPDATE)Sick cockatiel with seizures

He stayed on his perch last night without falling off and seems to be looking better. We are watching him to make sure he eats and drinks. He was also calling out to the others birds this morning. It is a big change from yesterday but we'll see how it goes. He is such a big bird and just wondering if his little feet can't support him....Thanks for the wish and I hope he pulls thru what ever happened to him.
You were right to call the vet ... I would make sure that you follow-up with the vet ASAP. I hope that your little buddy makes it through ...
I know you posted this over a year ago...
but i was just wondering how your tiel is doing.

I have a Jenday Conure that has seizures. The vet said that just happens sometimes; there's no rhyme or reason to it. She's fed a well-balanced diet of pellets, fruit and veggies. She gets fresh water twice a day and is out of her cage at least six hours a day. She gets 10-12 hours sleep every night.

She never, thank God, had any internal bleeding. She started having seizures when she was 6 y/o and she will be 11 in Aug. She had 6 seizures last year. So far this year she hasn't had any.

Well... hope your sweet bird is doing well.

i have no idea, but wishing u tons of vibes 2 u and ur little bird friend! good luck

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