shy conure


New member
May 22, 2015
Lady Rose, Galah Cockatoo
Gonzo, Greencheek Conure
Shrek, Rose throat conure
We got Shrek recently. He's a rose throat conure. He came from a home where it appears there may have been some arguing, but that all homes don't have some. He screamed "right now" and a nice little curse word. He won't step up when he's on or in his cage. He just runs from me. But he will take treats from my fingers. I'm taking my time with him. It's only been a few weeks. I just want to know if there are any tips on getting him comfortable. At this point, I just talk to him without trying to hold him. I give him treats when I'm eating. I'm not even sure how old he is. He just finished molting though. He seems pretty young. He does enjoy his toys. He seems to think it's necessary to scream every time I talk. Especially if I'm reading out loud. But only me. He doesn't do it to anyone else. It kinda cracks me up. I greatly appreciate any advice.
I just looked up Rose Throated Conures and boy oh boy are they pretty! Congrats on your new addition, it sounds like he came from a noisy family lol. I think you're handling everything great, he sounds really comfortable around you --- maybe he's developed a fear of hands from his old household? (To me, it sounds like it was a house filled with younger children and maybe they weren't as gentile or nice as they should've been?)

We would love to see pics of him :)
Saw in your description that you own a "rose throated conure".... just gotta ask.... what is that?????

I know of red throated conures.... or rose crowned conures.... but not a rose throated conure?

I have Jayde, a red throated conure, and when she first came to me, she was terrified of being handled but she still so badly desired attention. It took a couple of weeks or so of hands off interaction before she felt comfortable enough to physically step onto my shoulder, and even then, she wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea. Over time though, her fears have disappeared. :)

How's Shrek doing now?
Congratulations on your new family member! Thanks for giving him a good home. I'd give him plenty of time to acclimate to his new surroundings. Keep giving him treats to win his trust. He'll come around soon enough :)
Um, is there even such a thing as a shy conure? I thought those only existed in fictional settings.

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