

New member
Aug 29, 2012
Kokomo: Eclectus boy
How often do your birds shower and how long is each shower? My Kokomo would shower all day every day if we let him. Research has given me a wide variety of answers. Thanks in advance!
I shower my female everyday, because she plucks her feather, and it seems to help. My male ekkie I have been showering every other day. The showers last about 5 mins.
I give Scarlet a bath twice per week , but she would bathe daily if I let her. She loves water, sometimes I swear she is part waterfowl

i very rearly shower my female eckie. i used to when she was young and i put a large water bowl in her cage for her to bathe in/play with. and she bathes herself a couple of times a week some times more. should i also shower her or is her bathing her self enough?? she isnt feather plucky but she does spend hours preening her feathers.
I take my African Grey and my IRN into the shower with me daily. I don't put them under the water everyday, but fairly frequently, but they seem to enjoy the steam and watching me bathe. And of course they enjoy the morning routine of things.
i do the same epriddy.
eccie in the shower every day on his perch, when he wants to get wet he makes it very very clear. sometimes he just likes to sit and watch and enjoy the echo-y bathroom. it works really well because we both (blush) sing and talk to eachother and yell at the top of our lungs, and thats his noise made for the day. He never get noisy as long as he gets his morning routine exuberant 'flock call' session!
Mango loves to shower with us, and when I asked about it the vet said that it cant hurt him to shower frequently. She said that daily showers are totally safe and not to worry about over showering.
My girl doesn't like the shower at all, no matter how many times I've tried to show her how fun it is. I spray her with a misty spray from a spray bottle about twice a week, sometimes more if she 'asks' for it (When I'm vacuuming and she does her rain dance lol).
Scarlet goes in the shower with me every day. If she doesn't get her daily shower, she is a real turd the next day until she gets it. She would take 3 a day if I did haha. She loves the hot water and I usually keep her in for 10 minutes
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it works really well because we both (blush) sing and talk to eachother and yell at the top of our lungs, and thats his noise made for the day. He never get noisy as long as he gets his morning routine exuberant 'flock call' session!

I love this! I'll give it a try and see if he enjoys it.
My budgies get misted every other day; my conure plops himself into bowls of water and likes to come into the shower. I wish I could get my Amazon into the shower because I think she would love it, but I can't move her away from her cage/play area/family room. She is cranky and freaks out if I try to move her too far (on a dowel; she won't tolerate touching). Unfortunately, that means she only gets misted every other day or so, but she does seem to enjoy that.

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