Shower then a Blowdry


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
Well Wilma inspired me to get some pictures of Pepsi getting her shower then blowdry. She absolutely loves her showers and blowdry, as long as she is in her cage (Still not as hand trained as I would like, but I'm not forcing it on her, she lets me know when she is ready)

So here we have our shower first and get nice and wet.


Then after we get nice and soaked its time for the blowdryer.



She is sucha cutie! It looks like a lot of fun. I like the second blow drying shot. It looks like she's going "whoo-who"
Precious!!! I agree with Christy ... Pepsi looks like she's doing the "whoo hoo dance" in that last one! LOL
They are awesome, I love em. One point I really must make here tho'

Why is it you need reminding to shower under her wings, and blowdry under the wings, c'mon Tracy. :D They really are just too cute. :D

Pepsi, if your mom keeps forgetting to do under your wings, log on when she's in bed and let us know, we'll help her remember.
I love shower pics.

Pepsi look like little show off for the camera, very cute:)

My cockatoo hates showers in the bathtub/shower so most of the time I put her on the sink divider part and spray her down. every now and then I will spray her on her play gym but it's so darn messy with water on the walls and furniture. The weird thing is, is that I have tried using the spray bottle with her in the tub and she still doesn't take to it like she does in the sink or playgym...
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Those are such cute pics Tracy. Pepsi looks like she's lost a little weight too and is getting healthier.

I need to post a video of Sisqo & Gigi when I give them baths, b/c they are so's one of the only times that Gigi will actually make a noise.
I would show some shower pictures of Pooh-bird but I think all the blood and severed limbs might be to graphic to the weak at heart :p
She is a real show off for the camera when she wants to be. And don't worry Peta Pepsi lets me know to get under those wings, she spends most of the time with them lifted up. You can really see how bad alot of her feathers look, but she is going through a molt so her new feathers I'm sure will look wonderful. Pepsi has lost some weight and looks alot healthier in my eyes. :D
And don't worry Peta Pepsi lets me know to get under those wings,

:D :D :D As long as you remember, :D she has been a bit concerned and has gotten in touch with me asking me to sign her up here, just so she can tell everyone just how much she needs to re-train her human. :D :D

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