Should I get Nacho a friend?


New member
Jun 14, 2015
Fresno, Ca
Ignacio "Nacho"
Long story short, I'm planning on moving out of my Sister's house in August into an apartment, and I'm wondering if it would be smart to get Nacho a friend? Right now I feel he's entertained by my sister's dogs and his toys, but when I move it'll be just him, myself, and my roommate. We'll both be working full time, which leaves him 8 hours by himself and his toys. Technically that's what he's doing now, but the dogs are around. What are your thoughts? Time for another bird? :rainbow1:
Sorry if I'm a bit blunt, my opinion, if your concerned about the time you have for nacho, getting another is not the right choice! That will then in turn make less time for him/her as well. You then will have two birds that you are responsible for giving time to. If Nacho was ok being entertained by dogs walking around then you can always put on the tv as a possibility.
You're over thinking it.

He'll be fine.
I wouldn't :) More risks than rewards given the situation....
How about googling, and getting crafty in the evenings with different kinds of foraging games etc?
My mother always chucks a movie on for her Galah when she's feeling time pressure. Last I heard, Dirty dancing was his favourite :09:
Every situation and bird is different. I started with one budgie. I believe he is much happier since I got a tiel and another budgie.

There is no guarantee they will get along. Thankfully mine do.

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