should i get another one??


New member
Mar 5, 2015
Brantford Canada
My little Jasper just loves to cuddle and be close to all of us.He steps up on your finger. Which i really love he isnt a 1 person Bird. He is now 12 weeks old and love to spend the time out of his cage so he can be close to us.
Im at work through out the Day so he all alone. I have the Radio going but i was wondering if he gets lonely. My question would be now. If i get another conure for him to keep him company would i lose the bond we have with him?
Its possible, but I doubt it. They love a "flock". Strange as it may seem, my BFA and SC get along great, with no difference in the human bond. We are just one big "flock" in my house. I cant be sure id try putting 2 conures in the same cage all day unsupervised until I see how they get along. Then when they get older you have the issues that crop up with mature birds sometimes.. like wanting to mate.
If he's only 12 weeks old i'd imagine you've only had him a couple of weeks give him a chance to settle in and bond with you first.
You need to get the full bird experience yourself first before deciding on a second, besides the sweet baby stage is short lived so treasure these moments, they're handy reminders when their being monsters lol =)

As for getting him a friend, my advice would be give it 6 months to a year then if you still feel the same way and don't mind double the trouble then go for it. Your little one will still be young enough to accept a friend into his life just remember seperate cages, this should ensure they both remain tame too, well that and plenty of daily interaction.

Another green cheek would be your best bet the handy thing with green cheeks is that there are so many different mutations that you could get the same species with a completely different plumage. Any of the Pyrrhura would be suitable however your best chance of them being friends is if you take your baby to meet his potential new sibling and see what they make of each other, it's usually easier to let the bird decide who he wants to share his flock with.

Best of luck , hope this helped =)
'Usually', you can add another bird and regardless of whether they become friends or not, you won't lose your bond.

I had something unusual happen, and I'm still not quite sure what, but as Griffin became bonded to Raven, not just friends but bonded (both males), my once hand fed, completely tame, touchable all over, cuddly baby who loved me, became very weary of me to the point he literally freaks out with me at times like a parent raised bird who distrusts humans. Literally like a "switch" flips in his brain. At times when the "switch" is turned off so to speak, he will let me step him up but only if it's away from his cage, and may stay friendly for up to a few minutes before the switch flips again and he has to bolt away from me doing the screech of death.

I'm not saying this is by any means normal or usual of what happens when a bird bonds strongly to another bird, but it's only my experience. I hope he outgrows it someday, as sometimes it's as tricky as getting a wild bird back into his cage :(. I have not had or heard of this happening another time to me or anyone.

My handfed English budgie lost most of her tameness when she started living with my American budgie who is wild. That's a different situation though. Mink will still step up sometimes, she just doesn't 'like' being handled.

My Griffin is just an unusual story, but "usually", if you have a bonded bird, they will not 'break up with you' and act like you've become a hideous ogre. I wouldn't worry about it happening.

Edit: I just read Sunblaze's post and I agree... if you can possibly wait until your baby is older would be best :)
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As long as you're giving your bird plenty of things to do in his cage, you shouldn't worry about it! it's very important for birds to learn to amuse themselves and not rely on someone to amuse them. Unless it is very obvious that he is not doing well on his own, I would recommend waiting. Those first few months are very important for bonding and trust. Adding another bird so early could result in him going to the other bird for companionship instead of you. It truly depends on your bird's personality.

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