She talked more tonight and melted my heart!


New member
May 22, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
1 Senegal Parrot (Cassie) and 4 Parkeets (Tia, Fidget, Tibbin, and Skyler)
Hi everyone,

Og gosh, I haven't posted in a long time, but I just have to share my excitement tonight. I have a young Senegal named Cassie. I got her about 7 months ago. She and I are very strongly bonded now. I have never had a parrot who shows affection like she does. I work from home so I get to be with her quite a lot. She pinns her eyes at me when I talk to her. In the morning when she sees me get up, she often rolls over on her back because she's excited to see me. Sometimes she won't come out of her cage unless she gets cuddled first. She LOVES being cuddled. Wait, revise that... she's addicted to being cuddled. hehe :) At night before she goes to in her night night cage, she begs to be cuddled. Sometimes she'll try to groom me back too. And now... although she doesn't try to talk very often, she is saying more words.

After a few months of having Cassie, she started saying "I love you". Since then she's learned more. Sometimes when she sits on my shoulder, she'll lean her head on my neck or cheek and says "I love you". She's so sweet. She also says, WHAT!, Are you pretty?, and Nooooooo. Well, tonight she said something sort of new but it melted my heart and made me teary eyed. She doesn't talk really good yet but she starting to talk more clearly. I sure heard her clearly tonight though. She was with me by the computer sitting on my arm (which was resting on the desk) and she was under my chin. For awhile she was asking for cuddles and I kept going back to work on the computer and had to ignore her. She usually talks when wants my attention really bad and oh, she certainly had her way. She looked up at me, nudged my chin, and said, "I love you sooo much." I melted. She's never added the words "so much" before. It's what I tell her every night before I turn off the lights. And now... she's on my shoulder clicking her beak in contentment.

---- Kimberley (Florida)
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Awww that is so awesome to hear your bird telling you that.
Congrats, you have been teaching her well.
There is no stopping her now, her vocabulary is going to increase weekly, you will be absolutely amazed.

Just keep talking and taking and talking

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