She likes him more than me...


New member
Jul 11, 2011
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Salem, OR
Green Cheek Conure: Brilho
My GCC that I just got a couple of weeks ago has decided to start clinging to my boyfriend. He's not here nearly as much... and it's not like I'm mean to her or don't give her enough attention, but when he's around she wants nothing to do with me.

Does anyone know why this could be? Is it because he's bigger? It kinda breaks my heart...
Unfortunately they tend to bond with whoever they want. ): Theirs always that one person the bird absolutely loves. Usually it is us as their handlers because we have the time to build such a bond, but sometimes they choose other people. I think thats why so many members on this forum stress letting a bird 'pick you' out when you are looking to aquire one.

When I was a kid we had a bourkes parrot. Mum let me choose him, name him and everything. I spent the most time with him, I cared for him, everything. He ended up liking one of my friends best, who probably only interacted with him once or twice a month when she was over! Crazy huh. That bird just decided he really liked her, better then all of us.

Don't despair though. I'd start bribing him with treats and other nice things so hopefully he comes to like you as much as he likes your boyfriend. I'd be heartbroken too if Alex took more to my boyfriend then he did to me! Luckily he kinda chose me when I saw him the first time, and I'm his favourite person. :)
It is normaly possible to work around the " one man bird" problem but it takes a lot of work
Don't get me wrong here but it seems to me that a lot of members that are choosing conures as a companion parrot have some sort of expectation of of what their companion should behave like. Honestly with any bird you need to build trust. Lets face it you are both strangers to each other & most times it isn't an instant friendship, sometimes we have to work on it for months or even years. Another thing most of you are going into parrot ownership for the first time & are realizing your little feathered friend has a big brain & love to play mind games with you. Read their body language, that will tell for the most part what they want or don't want.

When i purchase a new parrot i never research that bird. Once they have settled in & i can see what i have to work with I can handle any problem should it arise. Sometimes it can only take a week to work a parrot out but like my SC Too he has been a bit of a challenge, over the past 4 years he has gone to being terrified of me to being the most cuddly boy. I am his second owner, a young guy owned him for about 5 years so it was a big adjustment for Cocky to have a female owner considering he used to bite the previous owners wife. Now it's so funny he sometimes gives my hubby a bite on the foot but has never been aggressive towards me. I guess what i am getting at is to really take it slow & let your bird settle in before deciding your having problems.

I also believe that on the odd occasion for the birds best interest if it's not completely happy in it's new home to either be passed on to a more understanding home of be given another birdie cage mate. What ever makes the bird happy & contented.
Yeah, I'm starting to know the feeling. My Senegal thought I was the cats meow for the past several months. But let my wife go off to St. Thomas VI for two weeks and then come back and Tiki acts like she doesn't even know me anymore. Well, I'm being a tad dramatic, but it still stings a little.

Reminds me of my daughter, she loved me and told her mother that she wanted to marry me when she grew up. For the first ten years or so of her life, I was it. But then puberty hit and it was like, she didn't know me, wouldn't listen to a thing I said and wouldn't be caught dead with me out in public.

Boy, love is a fickled thing isn't it?
Mike your sennie is still young so it's playing that silly little game where i love mummy this month but next month i will be loving daddy more. HEHEHE.

We just have to go with the flow. I have a Eclectus hen here that would happily gouge my eyes out but we do understand each other. She will take food from my hand but that is as far as the friendship goes but i still love her.
Since we've only been together for a couple weeks, do you think that she might jump her loyalty back to me?
Merlin switches sides, usually i do something horrible like give him medicine to save his life. lol He's my guy most of the time, this spring when he was hormonal he was aggressive towards my husband. My husband was in charge of food & treats, that sweetened him up a bit. Now he would rather be w/me, but he does love Tom.
Awww...I know your feeling, this is NOT an uncommon complaint about any bird breed.

I had the same thing happen with me. I decided I wanted to have a bird again, I picked, purchased and brought home a beautiful lutino cockatiel. I was told this bird was male, but within a few days I knew without a doubt, she's a female and frankly, she could care less about me, EVER!

When she met my husband, that was it! I envision her with long black eyelashes she can flutter at him every time she see's him. :D

Mind you, I take care of our birds, I feed them, water them, keep their cages and dishes cleaned I spend countless hours talking to them, playing with them and he walks in the room and Chiquita just melts for him.

We have two other birds now as well, a pied male tiel and a male yellow sided green cheek conure and they don't seem to have a favorite least not yet. They treat us equally.

Instead of being upset by it, just let things roll and enjoy the often humorous antics of your birds preference.

How old is your bird?

Thanks Nakiska, that helps. She must definitely be a she, haha.

She was (supposedly) born May 1 so -almost- 12 weeks old. I've started giving her treats and things when I get home and tricking my boyfriend into being the one to put her away, etc. (lol) so that maybe we can even out the playing field, haha.
I've been thinking it's perhaps because I tried to put on the flight suit for the first time a few days ago? She kinda flipped out. Maybe she's still mad at me?
I wouldn't try flight suit training or anything of the sort until you build a nice strong bond up with her. :) It's kind of like people, it can take years to build a friendship and to trust someone, but only one move to shatter it. I think the flight suit may have shaken her abit.

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