She is being a brat today...


New member
Feb 15, 2012
Twitter, 3yo greencheek conure..Paco 15yo Orangewing Amazon.
Wow, my greenie must be just a tad jealous.She knows we have another bird and is nipping my fingers and DEMANDING attention from me today..I worry she will hate Paco like she does everyone who comes near me.She is very touchy today and bit my cheek kinda hard when my 10yo gave me a hug.Naughty naughty girl...I really need to change her name to Diva
Well, she may never like Paco, or she may like him eventually. My conure likes having the other birds here, but she does get jealous when they get their time with me. And my cat is jealous of all 3 birds. Even when we do our singing/dancing time, the cat stands up and grabs hold of my leg, or she tries to start fights with Pete (she likes Merlin and Rowdy and hates Pete for some reason).
Well, she may never like Paco, or she may like him eventually. My conure likes having the other birds here, but she does get jealous when they get their time with me. And my cat is jealous of all 3 birds. Even when we do our singing/dancing time, the cat stands up and grabs hold of my leg, or she tries to start fights with Pete (she likes Merlin and Rowdy and hates Pete for some reason).

That's so funny that your cats get jealous. I have three cats and one of them doesnt really care for me very much but adores my husband. This particular cat all the sudden wants my attention, since Pyro came along. I find it hilarious.
All my birds have mixed feelings in our busy household. The little birds don't mind the dogs but hates the cats, Willie likes them all, JoJo & Gracie loves the cats or small dogs but hates big dogs, Malachai don't care, Dixie likes all, Java likes dogs but hates the cats. So my only solution was keep some birds apart in a separate room. And yes mine gets jealous as well. So I try not to do the kiss or any affection to anyone of them infront of each other. I do it when I take them out of the room alone.
Oh, my cat is something else! She is actually the most possessive animal I've ever had. I can't even go to the bathroom without her coming along and clinging to me. If she were a man, I'd be chained up in the closet! So when I am paying attention to the birds she is grabbing me, meowing, and doing everything she can to distract me back to her. I have to put her in my bedroom to let the birds out.

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