Sharing Some pics.


New member
May 3, 2013
Sun Conure (Dunkin)
grey cockatiel (Nalo)
My Sun Conure Dunkin was being very cuddly today and I got some shots.

"Humans are for scritches."


"Humans, every bird should have one."


"I'm just like a cuddly stuffed teddy bear."

Suns are just so spectacular. Very cute pics :)
Soooo cute. Don't you love the way they have this deep Zen moment whenever they get scratches!?
Great pics! Very cute! Thank you for sharing.
Now that is sooooooo adorable. That what my little Tiki does until I hit one of those nasty pin feathers and then she whips around and pinches my finger.
I'm in such aw of people who can take beautiful pictures with even trying. Make me feel even worse and tell me you used a Cell Phone camera:)
^^^i know right! Half the time she's attacking the phone, the other half, they're moving to fast, and the other half, you just say "screw it".
Oh my gosh those pictures are so cute!!!
^^^i know right! Half the time she's attacking the phone, the other half, they're moving to fast, and the other half, you just say "screw it".

I have used $1000.00 cameras back when 35mm was the in thing (I know it's been awhile), but I just couldn't take pictures worth a hoot. Now, I buy cheap $100.00 or less cameras to take photos with because I have learned that no matter how good or expensive a camera is, if you don't have that god given ability or talent the pictures will still suck.:D
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I'm in such aw of people who can take beautiful pictures with even trying. Make me feel even worse and tell me you used a Cell Phone camera:)

Yes I used my cellphone to take those pictures. I'm also something of a photographer/graphic designer, so that might play into it.
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She's not a conure but I figured why bother making another thread for this.

My cockatiel Nalo getting pets.

"Pet me! ...Yes. ...Ahh! That's the spot."

Lovely cockatiel! You should teach him to whistle the chocobo song.
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Couple more pictures of Duncan being cute.


Great photos! They are all just too cute! Thanks for sharing!
Wow Stunning!! What a cutie pie!

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