Settling down


New member
Sep 5, 2024
African grey called frankie but loves being called pigeon and has been in mu family for a while however due to circumstances I've had to take her on.
So frankie or pigeon really hates to be covered up at night and so I was wondering if I shouldn't cover her up she seemed to be panting slightly and squeaking louder than without it. However she doesn't have a bird bed in her cage and I was wondering if that's something she could do with.
The Grey I had couldn't stand having her cage covered either and she was fine without a cover. She never had a "bird bed," but would just climb up to the highest perch and go to sleep. Your parrot might do the same.
Ditto cnyguy's comment - OK leave your grey uncovered at night. And a big NO to any sleeping hut or the like. Doubtful a Grey would even use such a thing. Parrots will often start to chew on and worry the fuzzy cloth those are made from and ingest the fibers, causing internal blockage. Does it happen every time? No. Does every bird die from ingesting fibers? No. But there are many cases where it happens.
Agree with all above.
If covering her is distressing, don’t do it.

I cover all my birds including my Grey but all have open areas where they can see out if they want and let some light in. Parrots don’t see well in low light conditions and it could make her fearful. Make sure to keep some light on.

With a female parrot you have to be extra careful not to give her anything resembling a nest. It can easily lead to egg laying and egg laying complications.

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