Serious biting problem help please!!!


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Jan 2, 2025
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I have a handfed (weaned by me) 3 month old male lovebird. I absolutely adore him. But I'm having an issue I can't seem to stop. He's crossed from testing my fingers and hands to seriously biting me. This began about 6wks ago and it's just getting worse. He seems to go back and forth. Yesterday he was chattering, cuddling in my hand, tried regurgitation. Today he was Satan. How he hasn't broken skin yet I don't know. If I try stopping him he just gets angry and bites harder. It's strange because all he wants in life is to be on me. I've tried ignoring it, putting him back in his cage for a few minutes, saying ouch in a high pitch tone, and distraction. Absolutely nothing has worked. I know lovebirds have quite a personality. I love thst about him. But this biting is so bad It's getting really upsetting. Especially since I've had him since he was 6wks old. I weaned him. I know he's bonded to me but I can't stop this. I wish their were places like we have with dogs. I'd take him. He likes my husband very much and doesn't bite him. It's only me.

I'm trying and not getting anywhere. Please if someone can help I'd greatly appreciate it!!!!

I’m very sorry to hear about your lovebird. I had one many years ago. The name really does suit them. May I ask how old your lovebird is?

All 4 of my parrots get snippier during spring due to hormones. Some years are worse than others. It does fade but wow!!! It is a lot to handle at times. I don’t know if you let your lovebird on your shoulder. Just protect your face if you do.

During spring I don’t handle them a lot because they are hormonal and will either try to bite, or mate with me. I do a lot more training, and taking them outside to do stuff. They can now go in the car, and such. Then they don’t focus so much on me.
Opie is just over 3 months old. He does get on my shoulder and so far no bites on my neck or face. It's just my hands. Not just random biting. If he's got a toy and I try playing with it with him he really goes off biting.

I've been trying to target train him but hes not really happy to play games. Not to mention if I use millet as a reward it seems to also wind him up into a biting frenzy. I do different things with him. Have him with me doing things around the house, let him play on the counters, even in the bathroom at shower time. I wish he'd stay on his play stand but nope. He wants me and only me. He won't even come out of his cage on his own. Door wide open and he waits for me take him out.

So there's a chance this could just be a phase? I take him out of his cage for a few hours twice a day. If he'd stay on his play stand he could stay out a whole lot more.
Opie is just over 3 months old. He does get on my shoulder and so far no bites on my neck or face. It's just my hands. Not just random biting. If he's got a toy and I try playing with it with him he really goes off biting.

I've been trying to target train him but hes not really happy to play games. Not to mention if I use millet as a reward it seems to also wind him up into a biting frenzy. I do different things with him. Have him with me doing things around the house, let him play on the counters, even in the bathroom at shower time. I wish he'd stay on his play stand but nope. He wants me and only me. He won't even come out of his cage on his own. Door wide open and he waits for me take him out.

So there's a chance this could just be a phase? I take him out of his cage for a few hours twice a day. If he'd stay on his play stand he could stay out a whole lot more.
He’s very young. Probably not hormones as I mentioned above. More than likely that has to do with him getting beaky like a child does teething. Sometimes parrots don’t understand how badly their bites hurt. What do you do with him after he bites? I use the shunning method. I immediately put my parrots on the back of a chair, or back in their cages (my parrots would rather be out of their cages, if your parrot likes their cage it won’t work). Then I walk away giving them my back, and not interacting at all. This is huge to my parrots as they like their training. One of my parrots will get very emotional if I shun him. He will start screaming, and it honestly looks like he’s crying.

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