Sennies with other birds


New member
Sep 29, 2013
Has anyone successfully kept sennies with other birds, specifically other pois? When I say successfully I mean that they are able to be out at the same time without the sennie chasing the other bird down. I'd really like a red belly, but Sammie is my first concern. I do know there are no guarantees, just wanted to hear from others and their experience.
my Safari was around conures, lovebirds & cockatiels.

It took 5 months of 'staying on him' with a firm NO!, every time he wanted to eat one of them.

gradually he finally realized he might as well just let it go, ha ha....and got along very very well with all of my birds, all 11 of them.

he particularly loved my conures and bonded with them.
My Sidney does not like the two blue crowns. But he has become a tad more tolerant of them compared to how he was when I first adopted him. He was quite willing to do real damage if he could get a hold on one of them. I was shocked the first time he attacked. He was on my shoulder and leaped off when I walked by their cages. Latched onto my elderly old girl and tumbled off the cage with her. Fortunately no damage. I have to keep him clipped else he will fly over to start a fight.

However, my younger blue crown has been making overtures towards him occasionally and has not been rebuffed. Just tonight, Sidney was on top of his cage and Rosco flew over and they were about a foot apart for a minute or so while I held my breath. Rosco knows Sid is a danger so he was ready and took off when Sid moved a little closer. I was quite surprised at the tolerant reaction. However, if Sidney is in his cage and Rosco lands on it he will charge up to where Rosco is and they will attempt to battle it out through the bars. So I have a fuzzy ball on a stick to chase Rosco away every time he lands on the cage. Don't want any toes to get bit.

I wish he was more tolerant because I don't want to have to always be so vigilant every time he is out. Such a feisty little bugger.
When I got Mac the Eclectus, I saw such a change in Tiki my Sennie, she became so aggressive towards me at times, she would get noisy and just seemed like a different bird. She never went after Mac. Mac on the other hand would try and bite her head off any time he got near her. For the three months since Mac has been rehomed, there is such a drastic change in Tiki it is just unreal. She is the sweetest bird I have been around and so quiet you wouldn't know you have a bird in the house most of the time.

I would look for your Sennie to show their displeasure of another bird invading their space towards you rather then the other bird.
I would look for your Sennie to show their displeasure of another bird invading their space towards you rather then the other bird.

I would agree with the above statement. My Mookie will play quietly by himself and does not seek out other birds or their cages. However, if another bird thinks for one minute they can come over into his territory, the battle is on! I find that Sennies have a quirky personality which make them endearing, but also makes them a little less tolerant of other birds, JMO.
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I'll have to think seriously before I commit to another poi. I'd love to have another one, but I have to consider how I'd handle it if it were worst case scenario and Sammie decided to go all kamikazee :) I'm not convinced I'm up for that.
I'll have to think seriously before I commit to another poi. I'd love to have another one, but I have to consider how I'd handle it if it were worst case scenario and Sammie decided to go all kamikazee :) I'm not convinced I'm up for that.

I know how my Sennie Rio gets when Kiwi (parrotlet) is hanging out with me... She gets so jealous and tries everything to get my attention. I have found the two birds rolling and fighting on the floor twice now. While Kiwi is the instagator, Rio can easily hurt her. Can't have that.
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Sammie totally ignores my linnies and finches, but I'm betting that's because they are never on me. They are either in their cage or on their playgym (the linnies.)
I'll have to think seriously before I commit to another poi. I'd love to have another one, but I have to consider how I'd handle it if it were worst case scenario and Sammie decided to go all kamikazee :) I'm not convinced I'm up for that.

You really need to consider this with getting any other bird. I know Tiki would get vicious with me and sink her beak to the bone in my finger and hold on and wouldn't let go and I would have to shake my hand to get her off. This happened a few times. But since Mac has been gone, not the first bite or even a pinch from Tiki. So now if I ever decide to get another birds, whether or not it would be fair to Tiki or the other bird.
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I'll have to think seriously before I commit to another poi. I'd love to have another one, but I have to consider how I'd handle it if it were worst case scenario and Sammie decided to go all kamikazee :) I'm not convinced I'm up for that.

You really need to consider this with getting any other bird. I know Tiki would get vicious with me and sink her beak to the bone in my finger and hold on and wouldn't let go and I would have to shake my hand to get her off. This happened a few times. But since Mac has been gone, not the first bite or even a pinch from Tiki. So now if I ever decide to get another birds, whether or not it would be fair to Tiki or the other bird.

Oh, I agree, I only said poi because frankly that's the only species I'm interested in. If I had the time, space and I thought they'd get along I'd have one of each, cape, jardine, meyers, red belly, etc :) I just love the personality of them.
Just a thought, have you given thought to fostering? You could check with a bird rescue group and offer to foster with possibility to adopt if your Sennie accepts another bird in the house.
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Just a thought, have you given thought to fostering? You could check with a bird rescue group and offer to foster with possibility to adopt if your Sennie accepts another bird in the house.

I actually have looked around for rescues locally. There aren't any that I can find and I'm not sure I'm willing to drive any distance at this point. It's a good suggestion. If the opportunity comes up I'd certainly be willing. is pretty good about keeping track of rescue organizations. If you have not checked with that site they might have one listed. It is how I found Rosco and brought him home. Though he was just a 10 minute drive from where I was living at the time so it was easy to go visit him and decide that he was going to find a home with me.

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