Senegals as talkers.....


New member
Mar 19, 2011
"Ellsie" Female, 2 years old, Senegal
I know sengels are not supposed to massive talkers, but i cant get mine to stop! She is always jibbering on and you can hear she is attempting words.

I have had a sentance out her to,scarily in context, first time i got her out of her cage i had 'So whats your name then?' clear as day, when i put her back she said 'Cheers for that then'

Any one else got a talking Senegal??!!
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awww your so lucky :)

mine just copies sounds lol though she did say bye bye once, when i went to give her a head rub during the difficult period, she was walking away from me lol

from what i read in this forum, they are not just copying words and repeating, these are smart birds lol nut will make specific sounds for me an her fav person, me an her play a whistling and sound copying game and when i get it wrong, she struts off an squarks lol so just hope she has the patience to keep it simple for me lmao
My year old Senegal says, Pretty birdie, pretty Tiki (her name), whatcha doin Tiki, whistles up a storm. She just started saying Okie Dockie in the past few days. Some times her speach is clearer that other times, but it's never crystal clear. She chatters up a storm most of the day. But she is also a squaker as well. So I have to take the good with the not so good. But I think if they aren't very vocal, they may not pick up speach very well.
Hedwig will say "step up", "Hello", "Hello hedwig" "what are you doing?" (what I say when he is up to no good), "Whatch doin"

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