Senegal parrot help


New member
Aug 17, 2013
CAG, cockatiel
Are Senegals okay for a person with some experience (CAG and cockatiel) thx in advance.:)
Senegals are great for people with experience or little to no experience. But they can be a handful. Most Senegal birds that I have been around have their sweet cuddly moments, but also have their devilish moments as well and unfortunately, there is little to no warning when the switch will occur.
Senegals tend to be a 'one owner' parrot, and can be tempermental.

Safari came to me at 7 months of age, incredibly tame, and is an all around suck, but only on his terms, not mine.

They can amuse them selves extremely well, they are not loud, and are super smart.
They are known to copy many different sounds, which I love.

They do not care for other birds and will bite them if given the chance. It took Safari about 4-5 months to finally get it thru his thick head that he didn't have to attack them.
now he allows bird in his cage while he is in there, something I thought would never happen, but again only on his terms.
since you have other birds you should take that into consideration.
On Monday I will have had Rio for 3 months. Since then I am the only one she has really warmed up to. Now that she has started molting she is a bit moody and skiddish, especially with my husband. She doesn't trust him at all, but he had big hands and moves too fast for her. My daughter, who is a real trooper tries everyday to interact with Rio. Rio isn't interested and will try and bite my daughter. But my fearless daughter never gives up in hopes that one day, they will be friends. Rio is only 6 months old. I think she is settling into our routine nicely. And even though she isn't friendly with everyone, we all have a part in her life everyday. She has though tried to play with then dog (miniature schnauzer) she will follow Mya around and tries to preen her which is totally comical to watch.

I don't think that Senegal's are for a novice. But for someone how has experience with birds, they can be a great addition to the family.
I have to agree with the above comments. They are fantastic birds but their mood swings are huge. Sidney can go from being a snugger on my shoulder but anything can set him off and he will get very nippy. Normally he does not break the skin but there are times when he does seem to snap and lose his mind for a bit. I've leaked blood 3 or 4 times in the nearly 2 years since I adopted him.

And he hates my Blue Crowns though that has mellowed somewhat. When I first adopted him, he would try to attack with ill intent. He is a little more tolerant now but only if they don't get within a couple of feet of his space.

He is an absolute clown. Loves making all kinds of noises but few words. Likes to hang upside and vigorously rock back and forth for several minutes at a time. But he can also be exasperating and strong willed. Loves to chew on anything that is valuable and the more expensive & needed the stronger his will to get at it.

Love having him here, though. Even if he is being a total brat!

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