Senegal parrot exhibits angry behaviour


New member
Jun 17, 2024
Hi all,

I am recently a Senegal owner dad and it’s my first pet ever. I got my 1 year old Senegal from a pet store and he was the sweetest parrot ever, even the first days when he got home he only exhibited signs of happiness, calmness, he showed to be smart and learn all the new tricks. Recently, he started having a very strange behaviour, only reaching for the stick in places easily accessible for him otherwise he would start screaming, when I leaving the room he shouts uncontrollably, I try to ignore this behaviour but it’s driving me insane. Today he started throwing all of his food on the floor to get my attention. Don’t know what is wrong, he gets enough sleep, food, water and stimulation as every day we try new things. Please help 🙏

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