Senegal New behavior? Head bobbing


New member
Jul 18, 2015
Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
Today when I layer down with gollum on my chest she started bobbing her head up and down. (Similar to what I have seen macaws do in videos). The first time she did it, it scared me because I thought she was choking on something! After bobbing her head a few times she then moves her mouth like she is smacking her beak or chewing something for a second and stops. There is no noise during any of it. She has done it like 3-4 times today and I have not seen this before today
If they bob in a very jerky motion that ends with them "chewing", they are vomiting for you (affectionate behavior, not terribly wanted however, and not good to promote). This may also end with him vomiting food on you.

If they bob in a very fluid motion (usually without their mouth open), it's usually just a sign they are happy or excited.
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Yeah... She chews after
At ~2:40 of this video you can see Albert do the "happy" bob.

[ame=""]Red-Bellied Parrot - Noises, Chatter, Talking Attempts - YouTube[/ame]

The jerky bob usually involves them opening their mouth a bit, tilting the head forward, and pulling the neck in very violently and jerking it back out again.
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It looks very similar. I think she goes more forward and up... The chews. ;)

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