Senegal has started talking


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Rodney; Senegal Parrot
Rodney has started talking, he doesn't do it a lot, and it's not very clear, but it's unmistakable
Usually he only does it when he thinks we're not around, but yesterday he actually spoke to my dad... the only downside however is he seems to have a few... naughty words in his repetoir :eek:

I know this probably seems silly to you, but I've never had a bird before until Rodney and I've only had him for about 2 weeks, and I absolutely love all the sounds he makes (apart from an ear piercing squeal he does at the same time every day?) As he was a 'rescue' parrot off my friend he has a lot of noises from their house such as a fire alarm running out of battery, telephone, owls, coughing, sneezing, his laugh is hillarious, he has a really evil chuckle :D
awww thats soo cute :) mine seems to gerble her words and she's kinda figured out when we are all together as a family, she should join in an say what ever to be social an all :)

when its one on one she will gerble ov ooh, but she's only ever really says that to me or my man, son gets a tut lol

you are going to have so much fun with yours and welcome
And who's been teaching him the naughty words? Think I can guess. Billy doesn't speak clearly, he sounds like Punch out of Punch and Judy, but he does sounds perfectly.
As for the high pitch squeal, Billy does this when he want attention, especially at getting up and going to bed time.
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I didn't teach him anything :21: must be his previous owner hehe
As a bird owner there is not better feeling then hearing their beloved talk. Mine only says his name Snoopy real loud and clear. Unfortunately he does not say anything else. I am perfectly content on that. I have high hopes for the Redbellied parrot I hope to get this winter. My dream bird is a African Grey but I will never own one because of the dander. Hope your Rodney learns more words. When it does curse just do not give it any type of response. You do not want to have an embarrassment around company.
Our sennie has only said one word and that was baby I'm dreading when she starts with other words she's going to have some naughty words as my brother is foul mouthed to death one of the reasons I don't alow him to be around my zon lol.
Mine only says "pretty bird" in a high pitch sing-song voice so it is not me. He has a really funny "raspberry" noise he makes, usually with perfect timing to make what I said or the situation funny.

Me: "Was that good?"
Sidney: "pbbbbbbt!"

He does a pretty good mockery of me coughing. But his best noises are beeps and whistles. Knowing that, I went onto the Star Wars site and found a soundboard of R2D2. He picked up a few of R2's sounds including that "WEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWW!" that R2 makes when something bad happens to him. He does not quite have that one correct but it is funny when he tries to do it.
I do love it when they talk. It's amazing when they can learn. My sweet girl seems to be pretty quiet in the house but loves to talk and show off when I take her out of the house. She loves going for car rides and going places with me. I take her to a big indoor fleamarket sometimes, the post office and other stores.

Last week I took her with me to the post office and I ended up walking out with her laughing. While I was standing in line, she did her usuall peep peep noices, make kissing noises, and was fairly quiet. But... when I finally got up to the postal lady, Cassie suddenly yelled, WOW! and then said, Are you pretty? She had me and the postal lady laughing. She continued to talk to the postal lady. No idea why. And now when I'm without Cassie, they always asked where she is. The other things she's picked up now is, Whacha doin?, I love you, and noooooo. She doesn't talk too clearly yet but I think she does pretty good for being a new talker.

----- Kimberley
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We get "pretty bird" "baby bird" "c'mere", "'mere", "come here" (yes, there is a difference, she says them when she wants different things) "come here pretty bird" and "hey there pretty bird". Basically she's learned four words and is milking the heck out of them :)

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