Seeking help in training new parrots


New member
Jun 27, 2012
:green:Hi, I am now owned by a blue headed pionus baby (12 weeks old) and just adopted a 3 1/2 year old Noble Mini Macaw. After the first day, I am feeling a little overwhelmed. The baby is still on a night formula feeding and the mini only wants to be on my shoulder and won't "step down"!!
Congratulations! Let me just start to help by advising you not to let him on your shoulder until you get step down trained. MY suggestion for doing this is teaching him step up- if he doesn't know it already, and giving him the command step down when placing him down. When he does it without hesitating and can do it continually (whether your just doing step up, step down, step up, step down, etc or your step up and walking around and then giving him the command step down) then try again. Its so cute and cuddly to have them on your shoulder. I had that problem with my first red front macaw, Elvis, however, when he didn't want down he'd bite and twist on my neck! painful! And you don't want that!

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