

New member
Dec 12, 2012
I bought my little guy a destructible foraging toy that came pre-filled with "treats". Well, now that he's finally gotten into it after ten months, I see that "treats" consists of cuttlebone and seashells. This struck me as a little odd because I had never heard of anyone giving their birds seashells as a toy, much less a treat. A quick google search says they're "usually" safe for parrots, but didn't specify what "usually" meant, and when they wouldn't be safe :s

Does anyone have any idea?
Seashells is an odd one, I've not seen that before I don't think.

Mainly because surely they are destructible. I can only assume if the toy is from a good brand they will be safe, have there been any reviews of the toy you can check out and see if anyone else asked the question?

Sorry I can't be of any more help, hopefully someone will jump in with some knowledge!
No I think you did the right thing in removing them! When in doubt I would definitely remove for safety.

The toy certainly looks cute though, and for ten months of play I'm sure he loved it regardless haha!
Oyster shell is often used as a calcium supplement, as well as cuttlebone.
Someone made a toy out of seashells a little while ago in the diy section.
I read that they had to be cooked first because of the salt.
Maybe you can find it?it didn't say sea shells in the name ao you would have to click on all.
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Aha, okay. I knew cuttlebone is used for calcium, I always make sure he has access to cuttlebones, I had just never heard of oyster/seashells being given to parrots, so I wasn't sure. Better safe than sorry!

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