Search function


New member
Sep 25, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Green Cheek Conure
Just a quick question! I have tried to use the search function but it won't work for me.
I have tried searching in both Conure forum and home page without any luck!
Wondering if this is because I am a new member at can't access this function for a while.
Would love to search things like diet, behaviour, loss etc.
Anyway any advice greatly appreciated!
Hi Janine, welcome. In the same blue strip where the search button is, look over to the far left... you will see Home, then the next one is Forums. Click on "Forums" and that will take you to all of the sections you're looking for :).
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Yes I realise that!
My question was to do with the search function....on the right hand side of the menu bar on the home would normally click on search then type DIET for ex then enter.
A list of related topics would then appear!
But I can't do that!!!!!
Janine, I'm sorry for misunderstanding. Under the Search function, you will see in about the middle of the box "Advanced Search". Click there, then a new screen will come up. In the upper left you can then enter your keyword and click Search Now button.

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