Screaming Eclectus


New member
Oct 22, 2013
We have just recently brought home our little eclectus girl and she is around 2 months old.
Since coming home she is now on 2 feeds per day and is enjoying chewing on a variety of fresh fruits and parrot mix.
During her morning feedings she is relatively quiet and very good. In the evenings she lets us know she is hungry with her normal crying but after we feed her she becomes a little bit hyper and continues to make these loud high pitched screaming sounds for a good while after her feed.
Has anyone experienced similar behavior from their eclectus?
Welcome to the forum! :)

I do not have eclectus, but sounds pretty normal to me. Parrots naturally enjoy vocalizing in the morning and/or evening.
I agree. My birds have always "celebrated" morning and evening, usually the loudest sounds of the day. It could have nothing to do with the feeding and be all about the time of day. How much do you handle her before and after each feeding?
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In the morning i dont get to handle her too much but as soon as I get home in the afternoons i make sure to spend a good hour or two with her out of the cage. During this time she is usually giving me a repetitive squawking sound.
After this i usually feed her and put her back in her cage. She enjoys playing with her water bowl and toys after her feed and then i take her out again. When she is out of the cage with us she tends to be very vocal.
Oliver definitely squawked when he first came home at five months old. It didn't last but two or three weeks. I wouldn't say he screamed but he definitely sounded like a parrot. Now, at 11 months, he sounds like a human!! I rarely if ever here a parrot squawk come out of him.

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