Scooter Surprised Me


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
After three-plus years, Scooter the CAG rarely speaks in her former owner's voice, and seldom says things she learned in her previous home. Once in a while she surprises me though, as she did the other morning. I'd just refilled her food dish with fresh pellets and a pinch of seed mix. Scooter looked in the dish and said, in her former owner's voice, "Are you going to eat all that?" :D I told her no, you are. :)
Yeah, I get that with Enzo, in fact there are 3 other voices as well as mine in the mix. They seem to recycle old words and voices every so often.

for Interest Enzo's voices include an

1. older man with a broad and deep Lancashire accent, this is her answering a phone call voice, 'Hello...'
2. quite posh ladies accent, previous owner, she uses this voice to actually have phone conversations with, 'yeah, umm, ok bye, etc'
3. Young womans voice that she uses to boss my brothers dog around with, 'come here, get down from there, stop that right now, etc'
4. my voice for everything else.

She has another voice that she sort of mumbles with, talking jibberish, i think thats her 'own voice' ;)
It just goes to show ya... expect everything and nothing and anything from a parrot.
Atta gurl, Scootie!

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