Scarlet macaw almost non-stop puffed/fluffed up for the past few days


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Nov 5, 2023
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Scarlet macaw
For the past 2-3 days my scarlet macaw (female, around 1 year old) has been puffed up, while she usually does that mostly when I pet her. She seems a little bit less vocal and active than usual. Her feces are sometimes more watery than normal, but it could be because we've slowly been trying to add more fruits and veggies into her diet. Usually when I go over to her she likes to gently "pinch/bite" on my hands or fingers, but she has been less interested in doing that since she started behaving like this. I'm scared she could be ill, for example my parents have left printed photos on the floor and she went over to bite on them, I'm not sure if that could maybe poison her. She does seem to be acting normal besides all of this though, I don't think this could be from too cold or too hot temperature because she acts like this regardless and the house is in a room temperature.

Also as a side note, we never dewormed her since the day we got her so far (we got her in march this year, she was around 6 months back then) + she was born defected (her spine is crooked, one of her feet is slightly deformed and she can't fly). We received her from a old birdkeeper.
I am not experienced in birdkeeping at all, which stresses me out alot because I don't know if I am doing anything properly especially with a macaw, which from what I read are hard to handle, therefore I've created this account to learn more and gain advice.


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A puffed up, quiet bird who doesn’t want to interact can definitely be a sign of illness. How is her appetite? Is she breathing normally? Inside birds don’t usually have worms so that wouldn’t be my first thought. But possibly some kind of infection. Do you have an avian veterinarian you can talk to?
A puffed up, quiet bird who doesn’t want to interact can definitely be a sign of illness. How is her appetite? Is she breathing normally? Inside birds don’t usually have worms so that wouldn’t be my first thought. But possibly some kind of infection. Do you have an avian veterinarian you can talk to?
Her appetite is the same as always, I've never truly paid attention to her breathing cycles so I wouldn't know, but it seems normal. My mom told me that she was pretty weak this morning (I wasn't home at that moment) so my parents took a bit of her feces and went to get it checked, so we will be waiting for the results. They were given antibiotic to put into water for her to drink and were told there were no worms but that there defenitely was something wrong with her health. I was not told what it exactly could be or what the exact reason is, so that's all I know so far. I've been letting her drink the water and for now not give any fruits so she can be thirsty in order to drink the antibiotic. Today she's been a bit less puffy from time to time and a little bit more vocal.
Did they go to an avian vet? Were they explicitly told to put the antibiotics in water or did they decide to do that on their own? Dosing water seems like an incredibly imprecise way to give antibiotics. Your bird is not going to get the whole dose, I can't imagine it would even be effective, and worst case he might decide not to drink because it tastes funny.
I hope your bird will be okay. She definitely should be seen by an avian vet if she has not.
Did they go to an avian vet? Were they explicitly told to put the antibiotics in water or did they decide to do that on their own? Dosing water seems like an incredibly imprecise way to give antibiotics. Your bird is not going to get the whole dose, I can't imagine it would even be effective, and worst case he might decide not to drink because it tastes funny.
Yes, and yes, they were explicity told to put that in water, and she did drink it for the past three days now. It is effective as she does seem to be getting better, active as usual and no longer puffed up, but I'm not sure if I should stop giving it to her now or not yet
Yes, and yes, they were explicity told to put that in water, and she did drink it for the past three days now. It is effective as she does seem to be getting better, active as usual and no longer puffed up, but I'm not sure if I should stop giving it to her now or not yet
Give it to her for as long as the vet told you to even if she seems to be doing better. Stopping antibiotics too early can cause the problem to come back.

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