scared/unforgiving caique


New member
Jan 8, 2015
1 black headed caique called Charlie (female!)
Hello again,
I am after some more advice from you guys.
Having problems with Charlie!

She got an injury to her leg and had to have medicine twice a day which I had to give to her by syringe.

She was fine with me the whole time I was giving her the medicine but since then she is absolutely petrified of me, won't let me anywhere near her. When I do go near her she tries to fly away. Won't even take treats from my hand.

I am the only one that feeds her, she gets fed twice a day.

But it is getting to be a struggle now getting her enough time out of the cage as she won't come out for me. I don't want her to be in the cage the whole time. It just doesn't seem fair.

I am at a loss to know what to do! Any advice would be appreciated.

I would focus on getting her healed . Feed and give her medicine ,then leave her alone unless interested. She seems real scared [so Im sure shes ok with being in].Eventually she will calm down .Visit her through the bars ,then progress . Have to start over with her learning to trust you.
Charlie just needs heal and to forgive you. He will ....he loves you! Just feed as usual put in cups in cage. When you want to give him free time just open cage door stay in eye contact him but dont go to him just go about your business talking etc...putting treats in dish every now and then talking soothingly but dont try to touch him. Do that for a couple of days and he will soon be wanting your company again. They crave human contact. Best of luck...these little ones are so precious.
You might not have time since he needs to be medicated, but you might want to syringe train your caique in the future so that you won't need to restrain/scare him with an unpleasant and/or strange experience. This video describes the process pretty well: [ame=""][/ame] Even though my caique hasn't gotten sick since I got her, I trained her to drink from a syringe just in case. I practice giving her different liquids from it, too, so she will even drink things she doesn't particularly like because she knows she'll get a treat for it. This might not be possible with your caique since he's already scared of the syringe which would make the process longer, and he needs medication right away, but it's something to think about. I agree with Pinkbirdy and LindaO -- just keep giving him medicine and give him time to see that you're not trying to hurt him. He'll come around eventually. It just might take a lot of patience and time from you.
My 11 caiques are suckers for soft food. Low salt muesli soaked in warm water.

Get muesli, add warm water, mix in medicne. Bowl cleared in 10 minutes.

This is the only food I feed which leaves no waste. Nobirdy throws it around. too valuable lol

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