Say Hello to my little friend!


New member
Sep 29, 2010
This little Meyers was adopted by me at only 2-3 weeks old. I have had to hand feed him for the past 3 weeks and he is starting to look like a bird lol :green2:.
I have wanted a Meyers parrot for a long time but the price on them is just way to high. The lowest I could find was $500 for a already weaned baby Meyers bird. Fortunately I ran into a breeder that sold me this little guy for only $150. The only catch is having to feed him 3 times a day for the next 1 month or more. Good thing i have a little bit of experience hand feeding baby parrotlets.

So far so good.... Wanted to share my experience with you guys and show you some pictures.

Wish me Luck on the rest of this journey. Say hi to Turkey! :D







OMG...if those pictures aren't "awwwww moments" then I don't know what is...
I am in cute....
And look at all those're gonna have a beautiful bird....Congrats.
Long time no see!!! He's a very pretty bird!!! :)
Oh he's cute!!!
Lovely cute amazing how can we not fall in love with Turkey
He is so so cute, just want to hug and kiss him allllllllllll day
He sure is going to be a handsome fella
Good luck, enjoy each moment they are so precious
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OMG how adorable. You are so lucky to have found a Meyers. I think they are one of the best and difficult to find. I am told by a breeder of the African birds that not many people want them so the breeders are not breeding them much anymore.
I would love to see more pic. as baby matures.
ADORABLE!!! By his pin feathers you can tell hes gonna be a beautiful fid :)
I am setting out to do some studying on this little species today...I know nothing of them....I have heard of them but I don't even know what they look like, their personalities, life span, nothing...I love learning new stuff so a meyers is my mission today.....thanks!!!!
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Kitt - You crack me up... I can tell you really love Parrots and have the same level of interest in them as myself. I have been researching Meyers parrots for a while. It seems that more information is available for Senegals than Meyers. I find that both are very Similar in many ways, obviously they are both Poicephalus species. Let me know if you find any cool facts about them. :D

MikeyTN - Mikeyyyyyyy.... The man with all good advice. I am still trying to breed my Green Cheeks but have had no luck after 3 clutches. The breeder that i bought them from suggested that i use potting soil mix along with wood shavings. He told me to mix the two and pack it into the nest box really well. According to him the problem is poor incubation. I am letting the pair take a break for a month or two and I will try again with this method. I did not go the incubator route as it is to much for a full time working guy. I will let you know how it goes. :)

Merlinsmom13 - Thank you for your comment... Love the pictures of Merlin.

Abzeez - Thank you for your comment.

Antoinette - You nailed it in three words. Lovely, Cute, Amazing... Thank you.

Spiritbird - I would have to agree with you Spirit. Meyers Parrots seem to be harder to find compared to Senegals for example. Not sure why! I think they have nicer colors than the Senegals but thats just my opinion. Thank you for your comments.

Atwee921 - I agree, a beauty to come. Thank you

Turkey says hi to you all :)

Stop with the pictures....I am a nice person by nature but I may have to steal that little darling right out from under you....just look at those eyes...oh my are so lucky to get such a little sweetheart.
So after visiting a lot of different sites and reading owners stories...I have come up with the following conclusions on this species......
Positive side:
Quite, lovable and funny birds
Very playful personalities and will lay on their backs to play with toys
Can learn a number of words and mimic household sounds.

Negative side:
Can be nippy especially during maturity
Can easily become a one person bird

So all in all....I think you have a caique in a meyers body...oh wait didn't say anything about mood swings....LOL
Sounds like a great little bird and I think the nippiness and one person bird thing can be worked out.

See, I have learned something new what the heck...where is my gold star.LOL
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Update! The baby Meyers AKA Turkey is now going into his 7th week and all seems to be well. Apparently the baby bird has won over my girlfriend and my bed. Spoiled Brat!

I have a question for anyone that may know. I have noticed that the last couple of days he does not eat as vigorously as before. He seems to get full faster and not pig out like before. Still has a good feeding response….Is this normal? Could it be that he is preparing to wean?

Any feedback is appreciated it.

Thank you



Nice pictures...that last one is cool....
I have never weaned a bird so I can't help you out there....he may just need a bit less formula but don't take my advice on that...someone will come along to help out.
What's your feeding schedule? As they mature, you can feed less times throughout the day.
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What's your feeding schedule? As they mature, you can feed less times throughout the day.

I still feed him 4 times a day. Once in the morning when I wake up around 8am. Once around 1 to 3 pm depending on how empty his crop is. Once when i get home around 7-8 pm depending on his crop again. Once at around 11 pm before bed.

It just seems like he does not consume as much food per feeding. That is the only reason i still feed him 3-4 times a day. I am worried he is not eating enough.

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Update... The little guy is still growing. Getting some hair on his chest. Anyone know when you are suppose to give them solid food? Maybe some fruit to chew on?

Anyway... I call this pic Food Coma!


He's so cute I'm going to stop reading your posts. You are a bad, bad influence. B4 I know it I'll have my house full of baby

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