Safely Training Conures


New member
May 13, 2018
I was wondering if I could somehow safely train my Conure. I have seen people teach their birds to do all these amazing tricks online but some of them look...Well injured. I know it depends on what trick, but could you list some dangerous ones? I mostly just wanted mine to do funny tricks, get potty trained, fly to my finger (hand), etc.
Any ideas?
Ummm can you link a video of an "injured looking" conure that does tricks? I am not sure what you are talking about but I am curious. As for the tricks I know that clicker training is a good way to train your conure to do tricks. I also encourage you to look up a member here who has taught his amazon many many tricks. His name is Wrench13. Hope this helps!
YESSS! Our Mr. Wrench is the parrot-whisperer, training-wise.
parrots with lost toes can still do tricks and what-not and so can plucked birds, even birds with cracked beaks and missing eyes/wings

You'll find that most birds doing tricks have had that injury from a previous home
Hi there. Training parrots is pretty easy. First you need to find his ultimte treat, the one he LOVES. For Salty,and many other parrots, its pine nuts. Then find a quiet place inyour home, no distractions. I use the coffee table in our living room, TV off. Now you want todecide what the first trick will be. I started with Salty doing turns. I led him with a pine nut inmy fingers so he would follow it, and give the command Turn. Start with one turn and reward him. Always reward your parrot immediately after he has done the requested action, so he relates the command Turn with turning in circles. Be Consistent in your commands. Work your way up to 4 or 5 turns. Work your way to just having him follow your finger . Set aside 10-15 min every night, at the same time todo your training. Every nite. Your parrot will come to know that this is time to learn and get treats. Observe your parrot and see if there are natural things he likes to do, andincoprorate them into a trick. Salty likes to play with small balls in his cage, so one of his tricks is to pick up small wiffle balls and put them into a bowl, and then give them to me.

Check out the link in my signature below - its all Saltys tricks on YouTube.

Dont be surprised if your parrot comes up with his own tricks. The tricks with the large rings are all Saltys creations. I only asked him to walk thru them. Itwas his idea to flip them over his head and to balance them and then walk thru .

Baby toys are a good source for safe toys to turn into a trick. Good luck!

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