Sad new member and a little lost


New member
Apr 1, 2014
Seabrook, Texas
Beeper CAG, Maui Lu B&G, Mi Hijo GW
and Bergie my little BFA in Rainbow Bridge
I found y'all while I'm grieving the loss of our precious BFA, Bergie. She was 25 and had been with us her whole life. She died in January from Heavy Metal Toxicosis from a zinc bell on a toy I bought her for Christmas. So besides mourning, I'm tormented with self-blame, angry over toys made in China, and helpless to do anything about it. I have tried to get the merchant to stop distributing the toys with no success. It's so hard knowing she didn't have to die and life just isn't the same without her. I have 3 other birds and I dote on them now. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it just makes the missing family-member more obvious. I've been reading other posts on this site and I can tell I'm among friends. I'm glad to be here. Just sorry it is under such sad circumstances. And I'm totally willing to share information that will spare any other parrot guardians from what I've been through. :confused:
I am so terribly sorry for your loss of Bergie:( There are other members who have lost their beloved fids because of toys as well, and it is heartbreaking.
Please do not blame yourself, it is so not your fault:(
I am so glad you joined us.
I am so so sorry you had to loose Bergie in that way:( I cannot imagine how devastating that must be to loose such a long time friend.

If the company is unapologetic and still putting other birds at risk by distributing the toy using the same toxic components, I might contact the media about it. You see segments that cover toxic dog/cat toys, why not bird toys? Other people should be warned before they buy a toxic product unknowingly. And naming and shaming may be the nudge this company needs to stop using the toxic zinc.
welcome to the forum Sheryl.

You and I are in the same boat....I lost my beloved Safari(my Senegal) to the exact same thing back in November....from Zinc toxicity. (you can read it on my thread back in Nov.)

there is not a day when I don't think about Safari, but I have tried to move on as best as I can. There is no point blaming ones self, nothing positive will come of it.

The only thing we can do is learn from it, and move forward.

I give 100% credit to this forum and all my friends on here, they helped me get over the death of Safari, without them I would have been a basket case. the outpouring of help, advice and virtual hugs was incredible. I am truly blessed to have been on this forum when that unfortunate incident happened.

so please rely on us to help you through this. It's only been 2 months since your BFA has passed away, I too has still struggling 2 months after Safari died, it does take time.

I now have a baby Senegal named Martini, and she is amazing, but by no means will she ever replace Safari.

sending HUGS your way
I am so sorry for your sad loss, Sheryl. Welcome to the forum. Such an awful way to loose a good friend. Thank you for sharing Bergie's story and making others aware of the danger.
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Thank you so much. It is helping already.
Wow Sheryl, so sorry for your loss, but you should definitely not blame yourself, you didn't make the toy, what were you supposed to do? Run a composition analysis of everything you buy? Not your fault whatsoever.

Would you mind posting the brand and/or model of the bell?

Best wishes to you and your fids
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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I need this. Oh, dear Beth, I read your thread about Safari. I am so sorry. He and Bergie didn't have to die. It makes it so hard to bear knowing that. And Dan YES I WANT to share the product information. I just saw the sticky today that said there is a Toy Safety forum now -- I want to tell all the details so I guess I should do it there (I've never been on a forum before -- I want to follow proper etiquette.) I will tell you here that the merchant is King's Cages. Their website says their beginnings were in product safety. The label on the toy says: "Safe for Birds"! I had the toy sent to Texas A&M veterinary med lab and the results showed 3240 ppm. In addition, the doctor who tested it commented this a very high amount of zinc for a bird toy. I sent the test results to Andrew King, but could not convince him to take it off the market. I will post it all in Toy Safety Forum. Again, thanks everyone.
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Sheryl I'm so sorry. I feel your pain as I imagine the horror. My most precious and bonded bird ever is almost 20 and has been with me that long. Thank you for this important reminder. Sometimes we see an adorable toy that we just have to have, and that's all you think about. The indescribable feelings you must feel, and the anger to say the least.

I USED TO think King's was a reputable company. I have one of their cages. Recently I called them to purchase a replacement perch for the 405 model. The perch says it fits the 405, as well as them confirming it on the phone. When I got it (cost of the perch plus a huge shipping cost made it $50!) and it didn't even fit, it was 1/2 inch too long!! My husband and I both tried to fit it, and it was for sure too long. When I called them, they didn't know what to say except that it is supposed to fit the 405 and no one else complained. Of course the owner was conveniently never available. The best the customer service girl could do was give $10 credit for their online store :mad:. So now, we have to break out the power tools and make sure not to make it too short now, and somehow put a notch in it to the correct depth (it's notched, not bolt on) and about 1-2" in diameter. It's not gonna be easy! So, that's my experience with the King's company. Quality cages, but the service is something else!

I am so so sorry for your loss. and the heartache that it was so easily avoidable if a company had been more reputable and caring about the beautiful creatures they are creating toys for. Please do not blame yourself.

And you have every reason to rant, go right ahead, we support and understand you!!
Sheryl- Safari was IN a Kings Cage, for the first half of his life, then one day he decided he liked the cockatiel flight cage better....typical Senegal....just move in without asking, haha

it would take a whole lot of people to change the minds of one company, especially as large as Kings Cages....but that is just my opinion.

I think toys should come with warning labels.
Sheryl- Safari was IN a Kings Cage, for the first half of his life then one day he decided he liked the cockatiel flight cage better....typical Senegal....just move in without asking, haha

it would take a whole lot of people to change the minds of one company, especially as large as Kings Cages....but that is just my opinion.

I think toys should come with warning labels.

The companies will never willingly put that type of warning label... you know 90% of parrot owners actually would read that label and I would bet money that every person reading here would put that toy back!! That is the reason they won't do it. It will affect their bottom line.

But the good news is that you can come here and share what we learn to try to prevent their ever being a next Safari or any other lost bird. I know that reading what happened with Safari, I remove every bell, no one gets a bell. The only bell toy in our home is a stainless steel bell Victoria purchased for Folger. Otherwise, every bell gets removed and tossed.
Dear Sheryl, my heartfelt condolences for the loss of Bergie. As much as you are not to be blamed for this, the sense of regret and pain is beyond words.
To me it is like a bright star that has fallen from your sky. However, God knows your love for Bergie and soon another brighter star will come lighting your path.
Take care!
The companies will never willingly put that type of warning label... you know 90% of parrot owners actually would read that label and I would bet money that every person reading here would put that toy back!! That is the reason they won't do it. It will affect their bottom line.

But the good news is that you can come here and share what we learn to try to prevent their ever being a next Safari or any other lost bird. I know that reading what happened with Safari, I remove every bell, no one gets a bell. The only bell toy in our home is a stainless steel bell Victoria purchased for Folger. Otherwise, every bell gets removed and tossed.
I second this and Zoro will have his bell removed from his toy tonight the moment I get home!!! I can't trace the source of his toy so better be safe and learn from this experience.
Are those dowel perches? If so you should look into dragonwood perches.
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R- I used to think they were reputable too. I expected their cooperation because of all their website claims to product safety. I thought they would WANT to know and do the responsible thing. I even offered to pay for another test at a lab of their choosing. One of the times I called, the customer service person let on that Mr. King was his private plane. Pet industry must have made him rich, huh? And the poison bells and wrong-sized perches are still available for sale. Oh and YOU have $10 credit to waste. : - \ Great.
Yeah, like I really want to spend the credit THERE! $10...was I supposed to think that was fair?!
Shame on Mr. King. The company may have started with quality all around way back when, but it's fallen apart, and now the real shame is that the name is big enough that people will keep on patronizing them and supporting all this!

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