Sad Day :(


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Duluth, MN
Paco: Yellow Naped Amazon
Today was a very sad day for me. I had to sell my very first parrot, my GCC DaVinchi. I had him for a long time before I bought a CAG. After I bought the CAG, he always seemed mad at me even though I spent time with him too. He was also bonded with my youngest daughter to I let her have him and he loved it for a bit. She is now 16 and was gone so much that I felt so bad that he didn' get the attention he needed. I put an add on the internet and it was up for about 5 days. Got 2 replies on it. The first one sounded good until he informed me that due to his religion, they eat birds and that was what he was looking for, so I hung up on him feeling sick. The second person was an older gentleman that was looking for a buddy for his GCC. He even came over with his bird to see how well they got along because he said that she has not liked any bird he has looked at so far. Low and behold, they hit it off and got along. The old man we very excited. I was excited for DaVinchi but felt very sad at the same time. At least I know he is in good hands and company. I can't bring myself to look at any pictures of him yet, it is still too emotional.
Hopefully he is in good hands and company.

I hope his new owner knows to quarantine and keep the two birds in separate cages for a while. Even if they got along on first sight, they need time to build a bond. When he's absolutely sure that they've bonded and can be left alone unsupervised, he can gradually begin housing them together. Otherwise, housing unfamiliar birds can be really dangerous and potentially result in some serious injuries.
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I'm glad he found a good home. It's always hard to rehome a pet- after all you got them for a reason. And I just have to say, OMG he wanted to eat your bird?! That sicko! It's a pet. I understand that I eat chicken while some keep them as pets, but I'm not going to ask some one rehomig thier chicken if I can eat it, omg thats just disgusting!!!!
So when you got him you didn't realize he was a 20 year commitment? Shame on you for forgetting about him when you got YOUR CAG.
So when you got him you didn't realize he was a 20 year commitment? Shame on you for forgetting about him when you got YOUR CAG.

I hope this is sarcasm, because I find it quite offensive. Sometimes when you bring a new pet home it doesn't work out. They act differently. It's sad and it happens. Obviously he needed a new owner instead of living miserable with a second pet. Went to the daughter and the daughter doesn't have time so once again had to find a new owner again. It's a shame it had to be rehomed. It's a shame when any pet does, but it wasnt about not having time or forgetting another pet due to a new one. Obviously this person wants more than one bird and one of his birds arent happy with the new one so instead of getting rid if the bird who didn't do anything wrong and instead of forcing a bird to live unhappily among other pets they did the right thing and found it a new home to make it happy. If this is a joke or sarcasm it's not very welcoming or friendly. If it is please word things more carefully.
I'm so very sorry. But I'm glad you found him a great home! We're all here if you need us. :) hugs!!
Aww I totally understand how that is :( I have gone throught that with my dogs b4.At least u were resposible enough to find another suitable home for ur feathered friend where he could be happier & that to me makes u a great pet owner,u did what was best 4 ur bird:) Congrats on ur new addition! Im sure ur new baby will help soothe some of the pain away,parrots are great at understanding our emotions :) U should totally share some pics of ur newest addition with us.Im sure hes/shes as cute as a button :)
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Hopefully he is in good hands and company.

I hope his new owner knows to quarantine and keep the two birds in separate cages for a while. Even if they got along on first sight, they need time to build a bond. When he's absolutely sure that they've bonded and can be left alone unsupervised, he can gradually begin housing them together. Otherwise, housing unfamiliar birds can be really dangerous and potentially result in some serious injuries.

He knows. He just wanted to see if they were aggressive towards each other. Apparently every bird he has tried to buy, his bird was not liking it at all.
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I'm glad he found a good home. It's always hard to rehome a pet- after all you got them for a reason. And I just have to say, OMG he wanted to eat your bird?! That sicko! It's a pet. I understand that I eat chicken while some keep them as pets, but I'm not going to ask some one rehomig thier chicken if I can eat it, omg thats just disgusting!!!!

I totally agree. I had to ask him on the phone when he said it if that was what he had said. When he said yes, I just told him no and hung up.
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So when you got him you didn't realize he was a 20 year commitment? Shame on you for forgetting about him when you got YOUR CAG.

I hope this is sarcasm, because I find it quite offensive. Sometimes when you bring a new pet home it doesn't work out. They act differently. It's sad and it happens. Obviously he needed a new owner instead of living miserable with a second pet. Went to the daughter and the daughter doesn't have time so once again had to find a new owner again. It's a shame it had to be rehomed. It's a shame when any pet does, but it wasnt about not having time or forgetting another pet due to a new one. Obviously this person wants more than one bird and one of his birds arent happy with the new one so instead of getting rid if the bird who didn't do anything wrong and instead of forcing a bird to live unhappily among other pets they did the right thing and found it a new home to make it happy. If this is a joke or sarcasm it's not very welcoming or friendly. If it is please word things more carefully.

Thank you Mara. I definitely tried. I even housed them in different rooms and played with them separately. I didn't let my conure see me playing with my CAG to see if that would help. Unfortunately it didn't. My daughter played with him all the time until she turned 16 and changed into an alien that was nothing like her former self. I just felt he would be better off in a place that he could get some attention by someone that he liked.
So when you got him you didn't realize he was a 20 year commitment? Shame on you for forgetting about him when you got YOUR CAG.

I hope this is sarcasm, because I find it quite offensive. Sometimes when you bring a new pet home it doesn't work out. They act differently. It's sad and it happens. Obviously he needed a new owner instead of living miserable with a second pet. Went to the daughter and the daughter doesn't have time so once again had to find a new owner again. It's a shame it had to be rehomed. It's a shame when any pet does, but it wasnt about not having time or forgetting another pet due to a new one. Obviously this person wants more than one bird and one of his birds arent happy with the new one so instead of getting rid if the bird who didn't do anything wrong and instead of forcing a bird to live unhappily among other pets they did the right thing and found it a new home to make it happy. If this is a joke or sarcasm it's not very welcoming or friendly. If it is please word things more carefully.

Not sarcasm at all.

I guess my thoughts are not that important.
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So when you got him you didn't realize he was a 20 year commitment? Shame on you for forgetting about him when you got YOUR CAG.

Well, I have no shame because I did not FORGET about him when I got my CAG. I tried all kinds of things to get him to be friendly with me before I had to resort to rehoming him. You may not be able to understand it and as sad as it was for me to do, it was what I had to do in the best interest of DaVinchi.
Thoughts are appreciated unless you are bashing members, then you are being rude and inconsiderate. Obviously feelings are hurt and he/she lost a great friend, but not because he didn't love it or found something new, but because the pet was no longer happy and he wanted what was best for his pet and it hurt to give him up but he did it for his pets happiness. And you frown upon doing what makes your pet happiest in life? How and why could you? Your thoughts do count here, but dont just bash people. If you disagree that is your opinion, but explain yourself, dont just be blunt and rude. Why do you feel that he is throwing away one bird for another?
I wasn't bashing anyone. He got the GCC first, then 2 months later got the CAG. I guess I just feel sorry for the GCC. It seems like it was given to the daughter who also lost interest in it. If it has a better home, than all is good. Please don't assume you know what I was thinking.
Assume? Bahaha sorry just saw your response now. Assume? No. Knew? Yes. You said "Shame on you for forgetting about him when you got YOUR CAG." and bashing is when you put some one down and 'shaming' someone is considered putting the down aka bashing in my book. I'm sorry if I am being rude I found you offensive and very politely put in my opinion and now you're being rude and me being mad about a former thread is making me a bit more attitudey-er (ya ya made up word). Sorry for taking it out on you, but please don't give me your attitude.
I saw an advertisement recently on my local 'Gumtree'... Someone was selling their old dog, because he didn't get along with their new puppy...
It's sad and I would personally keep my older pet, unless the newer one was going to be difficult to rehome or more work to take care of. But its up to the owner who to rehome and on the other hand your first dog had a great home, prob. for a whole, months, years, with you, but it's not nice to say to a new pet "Welcome Home!" and two days later "Well, get out". I'd be confused if I was tossed around at all, but especially if it 2 days after I got a new home and I didn't do a thing wrong. It's sad for either bird to lose it's home, but I'm just glad it found a new one with a new companion it likes :)
It's sad that you had to rehome your fid that had been with you for a long time. It must have been heartbreaking to live through your relationship falling apart with him and watching him go from happy to miserable in his life, and then having to send him away. Having another fid to love you and help you through it will surely make it a tinge easier.

I'm wondering about your CAG - was he/she a baby when brought home? I've been wanting to bring home a new parrot for about 10 years but have been super concerned how Pritti will respond to that, since he's been "the one and only" for his whole life. I've often thought that maybe if I brought home an immature parrot, Pritti would want to nurture it or not feel threatened by it. Just thinking about making Pritti sad or worrked that he is not special, starts to make me sad. I am worried that there could be violence between him and a new parrot. That would be horrible. So, I haven't brougt in a new one. I met a bird that needed rehoming badly about two weeks ago... but just couldn't do it.

We once fid sat for a friend and had in our home his 2 quakers, 3 sun conures. Pritti did not care for it one bit, we move them to the home office on the other end of the house and, of course, he could hear them -- He was agitated for the whole time they visited (over a month). He calmed down once they were out of the house. I don't even think it was hearing them, but knowing one of us was going in and out of their room dividing our attention. Pritti once seemed to build a bit of a protective relationship with a small parrot in next cage at Avian vet's while boarding for a couple of weeks during our vacation. That's why I'm wondering about age. I wonder if 'size matters' in this situation. Anyone want to chime in? It would be much appreciated.

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