Ruby's fire alarm! Anyone else?


New member
Feb 9, 2015
Atlanta, GA
SI Eclectus (Ruby) - 11 / Eclectus (Wrangler) - 7 / Eclectus (Pinto) - 6 /
Red Sided Eclectus (Oliver) - 4 mos. /
White Bellied Caique (Dan) - 2 /
Foster Congo African Grey (Molly) - 6
Does your Ekkie make this same loud call? I can't figure out what it means. She does it quite a few times per day.

[ame=""]Ruby's Fire Alarm! - YouTube[/ame]
My foster eckie made an "air horn" sound, which she did primarily when she wanted attention...
Hee hee there must be a lot of evacuations in your house when Rubys fire alarm goes off...funny the things they pick up LoL :)
That sounds like an alarm cry, but much quieter. Parker makes the same multi pulsed scream, 10x louder, for 2 reasons:

1. our attention when he's particularly peeved that we've left the room (rare; more often it's when we take the dog outside to potty)

2. When he's in the window and someone walks by (more common; can't let him in the window much for this reason or it sends the dog into an anxiety panic attack)

Why she's doing it so quietly...I have no idea.
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Oh it's NOT quiet. I have no idea why the mic on my iPhone didn't pick up how loud it is. It's ear-piercing.
Our U2 does it--usually when we are too loud as a family at the dinner table! She can flat out clear the dinner table with it. :)
Oh it's NOT quiet. I have no idea why the mic on my iPhone didn't pick up how loud it is. It's ear-piercing.

When Tequila makes her noise, my parents can hear here from over a couple of acres away LOL. They live just up the road from us, and I have heard my eccy go off from there. That's how loud she is.

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