Ron and Fez 11-3


New member
Oct 18, 2009
South Jersey
Severe Macaw
Hey board my name is BlueToast and if you had came up to me up to me 6 months ago and told me i would drop $1600 on a pet, i would have poured my coffee on your shoes and walked away without a word. But since my finance and I both recently returned from serving in the navy and could now manage the responsibilities of a parrot she went out got a young severe macaw and a huge cage. I've never had a bird for a pet and being the tight wad curmudgeon that I am would never spend that kind $ on a pet. Amanda, my girl, worked with them at the rain forest cafe until the board of health put the kibosh on that. While in the navy she would tell me about how much personality they have etc. So once we were both home for good she got a bird of her own. We live 5 miles from Bird Paradise, Burlington NJ which is an awesome resource for everything do with exotic birds. We've had Pepper for two months now and it's been a trip having a macaw in the house. My job is kinda tedious and boring so it really chills me out to have a 20 minute gibberish conversation with Pepper. I was Bird Paradise today 10/18 and there was a Blue and Gold in the consignment shop that was just a riot. I would have bought it on the spot but I live in an apartment a Severe is about all i can get away with.

C-ya in the threads
Welcome to the forums.

They are expensive companions, but they're worth every penny. Also, considering the workmanship that goes into most products, that a parrot is probably the only purchase you could make that will last the rest of your life.

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