RIP Chipper Bird 3/13 - 10/14


New member
Aug 6, 2013
Portland, OR
Green cheek conure
I am sick with how much I miss Chipper. He was my first bird I have ever owned and my best friend. Chipper was the most loving fancy Green Cheek you will ever meet, he was incredibly well behaved and loyal.
While hanging out on the couch, Chipper hid behind a pillow while playing. My dad didn't know Chipper was on the couch and sat down. Shortly afterwards I asked "where's Chip at?"
Dad stood up and Chipper was limp beneath the pillow. I tried giving him mouth to mouth, hoping he was maybe passed out from lack of oxygen. Dad immediately started crying and screaming, it was traumatic for everyone. I held Chipper for close to an hour trying to come to terms with what had just happened. I put him in my hoodie pocket where he loved to snuggle while I dug him a grave in the backyard. I prepaired a small wicker basket with linen napkin and a stick of millet and a green grape...Chippers favorite snacks. I held him a few more minutes before placing him in his final resting place, I couldn't stand the idea of holding him when rigimortis set in.
I miss him so much. I am so hurt that I let his life be cut short. I feel awful.
I want my Chipper Bird back
I am so sorry for your loss of Chipper:(
Accidents can happen so quickly, and my heart breaks for Chipper, you and your Dad. I am so glad that Chipper was so loved by you and your family, and I am sure he felt that every day he was with you. You are in my thoughts:(
What a tragic situation. It is always tempting, when we lose a loved one, to try to find somewhere to place blame. That is just human nature. I know that you are feeling awful right now and like things were your fault, but please recognize that it was just a terrible accident.

You loved Chipper and he loved you. He had a wonderful life and he certainly wouldn't want you to feel badly. I'm so sorry for your loss.
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Thank you everyone for the kind words. Today just seems surreal, I keep walking by his cages and can't belive he's not in his hut or on his perch waiting for me to come play
So sorry! I can't imagine your loss, gccs are my favorite birds... Hoping you recover soon and understand it wasn't yours or anyone's fault, accidents happen.
I am so very sorry for your loss of Chipper. I know you and your family must be heartbroken. I can tell you loved your little friend very much.
I am so sorry for you and your high chipper
Oh no! That was very hard for me to read. I really felt the pain as I read. I'm so, so sorry that this terrible accident happened.
I am so sorry for your loss :( It's scary how quickly things can happen. I'm sure he know how loved he was and that he lived every moment happily with his little family.
I am so sorry this happened :( You will be in our thoughts. He was lucky to have such a good home for his last days. :)
So sorry :-(
My heart just broke reading your story. I know how it feels to lose a bird in an instant like that. The confusion, the shock, and horror......then afterwards the sadness and emptiness. I am so very sorry for your loss. You are among friends here who understand all that you are going through right now. Please be strong.

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