

New member
Jul 31, 2016
This week Ringo has finally came out of his shell! He came out for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks Monday. He has been so sweet. Giving me lots of kisses. He loves to be on my shoulder and has to see everything that I am doing! He even took a bath today instead of just letting me mist him. Last night he had a blast playing with my toddler sons toys! Haha! ;) He will step on my hand, eat from my hand, sit on my shoulder, and give me kisses etc.. But still won't let me pet him. I know he'll get there. I'm just happy he is finally out of the cage and has started to trust us. [
Tried keeping myself out of the last picture when I took it yesterday because I had crazy hair! ;)
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Yes, he is a big goofball! I'm always laughing at him for doing something silly! ;)

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Congratulations! I admire your patience and gentleness.
Most Ringnecks seem so dapper and proper to me... endearingly condescending. Something about their expressions, They look like little English gentlemen who are about to look down their noses at you and blurt out "Oh, I SAY!!!"
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Thank you! Haha! Yes they do! :)

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