rice and seeds in poops


New member
Nov 18, 2013
Hahn's Macaw
These days i find that there are many undigested seeds in my hahn's poops, is it normal?
Un-digested food in droppings is considered a red flag for parrots. The first image has a lot of undigested food present.

A visit to the avian vet is well recommended in this situation
I've never experienced this but everything I've read about poop, has cautioned against this sign. Please take your bird to the vet urgently!
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i just call the vet, who said that it is normal thing, and do not need to go to the clinic
i just call the vet, who said that it is normal thing, and do not need to go to the clinic

What? I'm am no vet but I beg to differ. Please insist that he check your bird over. Google "undigested food in parrot poop" - you will see that it is not something to take lightly.

Good luck.
Hmmm.. Fargo has NEVER had undigested food in his droppings before, so it is not 'normal'...

I think a health check would be wise, better safe than sorry :)

Also did you call a vet, or an avian vet?
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Here in my city there isn't any avian vet, only vet, but the vet I called is almost the best vet here, that my tortoise and my parrot have been treat there. I just called the pet shop, the owner said it was because of the change of the temperature, The temperature here fell from 28 to 21,22°C something, and in the evening it's lower, Ma be 18,20 something. and she asked me to put the cage in the warmest place of my house.
That sucks you don't have a avian vet in your town :( no matter how great a vet is if they havn't been trained specifically in parrot/birdie care they will miss things.

Food in droppings can be normal in other species, but not in companion parrots.
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now a just put a heater lamp (for tortoises) above his cage and don't let him go out of the cage, and put a drop of solution for diarrhea in his water bowl. nothing more that i can do.....
Well, it is definitely not normal. Undigested food in your bird's poop could mean parasites, an intestinal infection, proventricular dilation, or a disease of the pancreas or other internal organs.

You might want to take a trip to the closest avian veterinarian, even though it's not in your city. It may be worth it. If you can't, then I understand. Maybe there is a medicine that can help. I hope he gets better, I really do.

Good luck!
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I understand there are many, many parts of the world where an avian vet is completely unheard of. I hope things turn out well and please update his progress.
Well I live in a within the confines of a major metro area and I had a heck of a time locating a vet that could see birds, but haven't been able to find any that are dedicated to only birds, even though this area is a major medical hub. It's very frustrating. If you have a dedicated avian vet in your area, count yourself very lucky.
You know, this thread has me thinking. What CAN be done if we do not have an avian vet close by? In my own town we only have one avian vet and I have reservations about his "bedside manner" consider how roughly he handled my Percy :( but he's my only option.

Isn't there like an online type of facility people could use if they don't have access to a AV? We should brainstorm some type of alternative, don't you think? I am a new parront so I may just being grasping at straws but it concerns me greatly that we have members whose birds could be at risk due to the unavailability of an AV.
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since i used the heater, his temperature seems back to normal, and yesterday the droppings in the morning are normal, without seeds inside, but this morning i found the poops of last night that seem very good, but inside there are still some undigested seeds. For now except the dropping, all the other things are super normal, he is still energetic, with super good appetite, when he saw me back home called me loudly to ask for coming out....i can only buy him pellet this weekend, now still mixture of seeds, veggie and fruit.... any other thing that i can try? Someone told me that it might be PDD.......but i hope not.....i will update his progress
I'm glad there seems to be progress. I would limit fruit for now, focus on veggies - more nutritious.

Good luck.
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  • #19
hi everybody, it is ok with my parrot now, there are no longer undigested seeds or pellets in his droppings. Because finally i fund a avian vet here through a local pet rescue center, and the vet said that it is not a big problem with a young bird, and gave him a liquid for diarrhea, because the bird had a little bit diarrhea, now the droppings turned normal and look very healthy. Thank you for your help.

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