

New member
Sep 14, 2016
Alvin - RIP 12/15/14
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this site, but I've been bopping around and have already read a few of the threads on here. I've been thinking about getting an Eclectus parrot. I say thinking because currently, my financial situation does not allow me to get one, and I probably won't be able to own one and give it a good life for a few years. I also say thinking because I'm still in the researching stage and don't want to jump into anything too quickly given that these birds have a lot of specific needs and I want to be able to meet all of those needs before I actually bring a bird into my life. I'm also still trying to figure out if an Eclectus parrot would be a good fit for me. I've already done a lot of research on google, but it's just not enough and I'd really like to go as deep as possible so I can make the most informed decision possible. Would any of you be able to recommend any books I could look into to start digging a little deeper? I would really appreciate anyone who could point me in the right direction.

-Chibby :yellow1:
Hello and welcome to the forum! I'm quite new here too. I recently got my first parrot (an eclectus) and so joined this forum to find advice and opinions. I must say everyone's been very helpful. As I'm quite new to all this, I'd say to wait for some more experienced members to chime in. I've found Anansi to be a particularly helpful person and he has eclectus parrots. You may wish to search for content from him, and Scott who also has an eclectus. With regards to your question about books, I only bought 2 books which were OK, but most of the information I read was from online from trawling the Internet everyday for about 6months! had a bit of general information, though retrospectively it would have been more beneficial for me to have joined this site a bit sooner like you have!

Here's the 2 books I read.
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Hello, and welcome to the Parrot Forums family!

It's great that you are taking the time before buying an eclectus parrot to do all of the necessary research. I've read one of the books Violet_Diva suggested (Eclectus Parrots), but while it was generally good, I think there is a lot more detailed and current information available on this very site.

Here are a few threads with good information to get you started:

And here is a link to the site that I consider the eclectus diet bible: fruitandveg (Read every sub-section. VERY worthwhile!)

Reading through all of those should give you a solid idea of what life with an eclectus will entail. Hope that helps, and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.
Hello, and welcome. I second the praise for researching and planning and preparing! Glad you found us!
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Thanks for the suggestions! :D These are all very helpful. I'll definitely check out the books and the threads on this form. I'm going to try to read as many of the eclectus threads as possible. Nothing beats experience. I have a lot of time to research this bird, so I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll be able to make an informed decision, but you can never be too careful.

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