rescued baby need general advice


New member
May 26, 2015
Green cheek pineapple conure
Hi guys recently taken in a green cheek pineapple conure who i suspect is roughly 8 weeks old maybe 8 1/2, i have rescued many animals over the years and consider myself pretty capable and able and currently house a number of different species however this little gcc is a new one for me......he/she is currently being syringe/spoon fed by me every 4 hours but is trying to eat seeds etc relentlessly.....should i encourage this? Should i offer other foods....soft fruits etc at this age or should i continue with the syringe feeds for another while? He/she is a very happy healthy little bird and is very confident and friendly. Would appreciate any information from people in the know??? Also the babies feathers are starting to really come through although still scraggy in areas is there an age where they will open out in particular i thought maybe 10/12 weeks,as i said im a new rescue mama, Have spoken to a few breeders and vets who seem to be giving mixed information
Aww they are so cute at that age! Seeds are not meant to be a major part of a gcc diet. Fresh veggies, some fruit, pellets should be most if not all of what they eat. Check out the conure forum, there is a lot of info there! Good luck!

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