My fiance and I rescued a scarlet macaw yesterday and named him red! The place we got him had him in a tiny little cage and he has practically no feathers except his long tail featherd and some of his wing feathers but even those are shredded....he has a vets appointment on friday to make sure he is okay and to get him on a strick diet. He has been really good last night and this morning, I am currently at school right now and my fiance got he and was giving him treats and rubbing him, he loves his beak rubbed! But my fiance told me he nipped at him, drew a little bit of blood but not too much. .so I was wondering if anybody had any advice...Red does seem mpre attached to me but at the same time he really liles my fiance as well...he likes us as much as he can for not knowing us, yet he seems like hes getting more and more comfortable. I know we need to goving him time of coruse and just keep giving him attention, but wondering one some advice to help him trut and get used to us so he doesnt bite..thank you guys, any and all advice helps