

Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
...its been 1.5 years now that Smokey flew off to Rainbow Bridge :31: and my heart still aches for her.
I was just going thru some picture files and came across a couple of her,with my buddy Joe..(Smokes loved Joe )

Thought I'd share...

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Jim, Smokey was so beautiful.
Sending you big hugs today.
I'm so sorry, Jim. It's always bittersweet to come across those priceless photos, the memories are treasured but always remind us how deeply we feel the loss. Smokey was a real beauty.
Smokey looks like she was a really sweet bird. At least you have some lovely memories of her captured in photos:) I always feel a bit sad when I come across pics of my sweet Tiffany too, but I try to think about the good times and that had she not passed away, I would have never adopted Kiwi. Give Amy and that little BB some extra scritches!
Big Patagonian hugs to you, Jim. Smokey had a great and loving parront. And Joe looks like a sweetheart, too. Hey, if Smokes thought he was okay, he must be a good guy.

Annnnnnnnnnd, more hugs!
Dear Jim ..... I can very well understand that you have a lot of grief and also that you miss her very much.......
This is so hard.......
Lots of love and hugs ....... also from Harry and Toon.

Jim, I feel your pain brother. Almost 1-1/2 years ago we lost our Maxie, the cutest , most ornery little bundle of feathers the Good Lord felt fitting to grace the Earth with, and took home way too soon. Maybe Max and Smokey are flying together, and looking down.

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