remember to put your bird to bed before dark


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
last night was like any other night with our birds. We usually put them in their cages before the sun goes down. we have 10 birds to put to bed, and last night we were behind on a few chores, which resulted in a late night for them....well after 9pm and it was almost dark.

One strange thing that happened last night was Ninja, who is my gold cap conure climbed into my lovebird cage. What I didn't realize was Kahlua,(she's a pineapple conure) was in that cage already, and crawled into the snuggy hut.

I didn't see her at first, I was more focused on Ninja and trying to remove a bird that was very protective and annoyed at me for removing him from an unfamiliar place. he delivered a warning bite right on my finger, which bled.
ok... on go the gloves. He was in no mood to be handled, normally he is very placid and does not bite.
It was then I saw Kahlua in the snuggy hut, she was as FLAT as any bird can get, without any movement. my attention was then focusing on her for the moment.

I turned the snuggy hut sideways so I could look at her face, and it was like she was petrified to move. her eyes were open, but like they were looking right thru was kind of creepy. then I realized with Ninja in the same cage, she was playing dead.
At one point when I was trying to catch Ninja, he climbed into the snuggy hut and climbed right on top of her, he walked right over Kahlua, she didn't even move!!! was like she wasn't even there.

It was then she crawled out of the snuggy hut and clung to the side of the cage. I quickly grabbed her before any harm could come her way from Ninja, and placed her gently into her cage.

I finally got Ninja into his cage, I did a head count,then I realized I was still missing one of my lovebirds....Smokey who is a male had climbed into my other lovebirds cage and was hiding from Halo, my female lovebird. he had bunkered down in a small coconut, and Halo did not realize he was in there. Had she known, it would have been an instant blood bath.
we removed Smokey and put him into his cage.

this could have turned into a few terrible moments last night with birds climbing into the wrong cages, but thankfully it didn't....birds tend to turn into vampires at night and get very nasty.
Oh my goodness, poor birdies were all confused. Glad you got it all sorted out before any harm was done.:eek::)
Oh my goodness what a terrible evening for you!!!

I am SO glad nobody was hurt. Wait, I'm sorry, YOU got hurt, you were bitten. :( I'm sure Ninja didn't mean it though.

Are you 2 friends again this morning?
wow, i am so glad everyone is okay! i hope your finger doesn't hurt too bad :(
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it was very interesting last night to say the least. my finger(knuckle) is fine, just a little nick, like I said before, Ninja would rather run away than bite, so for him to nip me, I understood why, he was just freaked out due to him being in the wrong cage.
when I got my gloves on, he stepped right up, but would jump off and run away, I kept talking to him in a calm low voice, he would look at me like "hey, I know you", but would move away every time I tried taking him out.
I've been out all morning and they are in their cages, it will be interesting to see if Ninja remembers what happened or if he steps right up, my fingers are hoping it's the later :)
So sorry for you crazy evening! But glad everyone is ok for the most part. I hope things go better tonight. I know my birds love routine. But sometimes it's hard to stick to that routine when you have other things in life taking up your time!
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Wow! I wonder why yours get so nasty at night? Maybe by are just sleepy and grumpy?

probably angry with me cause I didn't put them to bed on time,lol

some of my cockatiels get nippy too if I'm late putting them to bed, but there bite is far less serious than a bite of Ninja's
Wow. Busy bedtime last night. Glad all r well except your minor finger casualty. Pritti has been an only fid his whole life, so bedtime head count is much simpler at our place.

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